chapter 45

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Time skip another 4 hours walking
-how long s/n - you asked
-we are halfway there but we need another break i think- she said
- yes- everyone said
- alright so we need another building to stay in - you said
- what about this?- toby asked pointing at the building few feets away
- it's gonna be perfect- you said smiling
- but this time I'm gonna check - b/n said winking at you
- nope not happening- you said
- oh come on! Only this time?- he begged
- alright be quick- you said 🙄

B/n pov
I walked inside the building to see nothing lol like literally there only was walls roof and ground. So you wanted to howl but...
You heard footsteps around you.
-hello?- you asked
-hello why are you in our ground?- a person asked walking towards you
-we were looking for a place to stay that's all I can leave if that's yours- you said walking away
- no you're not leaving now - a person smiled
- you're giving me no choice then - you smiled and howled that there is danger
- WHO DID YOU CALL?!- he was pissed
- oh no one - you smirked and someone busted the door open and of course who was it?

Y/n pov
You were waiting for his howl that's it's clear but.. he didn't howled like that so it's not good. You run to the door and kicked it open to see b/n and some guy in front of him.
-back up- you said
-why would i listen to you?- he laughed it off
-you're dead- b/n whispered to him
-awww did you not hear about me?- you started getting closer
-show me the eyes- he said
-aww someone's getting scared- you closed your eyes to reveal the color
-i I'm sorry- he said leaving
-are you alone?- b/n asked
-y yeah- he said
-whats your name?- you asked
-its Jayden- he said bowing down
- why are you bowing?- you laughed
- shut upppp- b/n said
- because we need to bow if we respect you?- he said
- dudeeee so you don't respect me hUH?- you asked b/n
- why would I ? Like you're already my sister- he said
- wow rude- you said
- what species are you Jayden?- b/n asked
- I'm an assassin that's all- he said
- assassin ?- you asked
- yeah we protect everyone but not all of us. So I'm human- he said
- good to know!- you said smiling
- do you want to be with all of us?- b/n asked
- can i?- he asked
- yeah of course!- you said

You and your brother howled that it's clear and that you maked another friend                                                 |

You and your brother howled that it's clear and that you maked another friend                                                 |                   

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  (i draw that and it looks awful)

The others walked in quickly and saw that you are talking with another person.
-eret no- wilbur whispered and smiled
- whyyyy- he whispered
-just no- wilbur said
- alright everyone this is Jayden- you smiled
-its he a human or no?- s/n asked
-He is a human but he's- you looked at him
-an assassin- he smiled
-ASSASSIN?!- nick yelled

Jayden looks scared so you asked him what's going on.
- quiet- you said
- b/n get them to sleep alright and jayden come with me- you said
-aight- b/n said and you walked away with jayden beside you

-whats going on?- you asked
- it's n nothing- he said looking away
-then why are you scared- you said
-im n not- he didn't show his face and you sighed

But then you heard him sniff.
-are you crying?- you asked
- n no- he said still not looking
-then look at me - you said in calm voice

He looked at you with tears in his eyes.
-its it something from the past?- you asked
-y yes- he said
-mind telling me or not really?- you asked
-i can tell you- he said cleaning his face
-alright sit down then. I'm all ears- you said and he sat down with you.

He was telling you that he wanted to be an assassin when he was younger but his parents were abusive because of it. Then he joined a clan where he was hard beating up from the "teachers". He ran away and started his own training and now he's here..                                   

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