chapter 59

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A/n so to people that actually read this. I don't know if this will make sense cause i have only one braincell left lmao but yeah enjoy

Still b/n pov
"Am i dreaming right now or they really don't remember anything?" You thought
-b/n are you okay?- bbh asked
-huh? Ah yeah yeah I'm okay just wondering - you said
-about what?- skeppy asked
-about nothing important should we explore the area?- you said and they nodded

You wandered around but Heard a scream¿
-someone needs help!- bbh said and ran towards the sound
-wait it can be dangerous!- you yelled but too late for him to hear so obviously you followed him

As the sound was getting louder ,skeppy was getting more worried. So you told him to wait there
-DARRYL!- You yelled
-over here!- he yelled back

You saw him behind a bush staring at three figures.
-im scared..- he said
-then wait imma check it out- you smiled and walked towards them

You saw Niki crying wilbur Infront od her screaming at eret.
-OI STOP THE ARGUMENT SHE'S CRYING- you yelled and they looked at you
-AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!- eret yelled
-First let the girl calm down- you said
-Thank you- wilbur said and hugged Niki

(Just to make sure I'm not shipping wilbur x Niki I'm doing the best friends vibe ;))

-alright so I'm b/n and i don't mean no harm to you- you said
-i don't believe it but I'm eret- he said
-im wilbur and this is Niki- wilbur said
-thanks for the help- Niki said
-no problem- you smiled softly to her
-so do you know what we need to do here or no?- eret asked
-i suppose i do know but let me get my friends- you said
-more people? Wilbur asked
-yes but they are nice don't worry- you said and walked away

You got bbh out of the busk and got skeppy from the field.

-im back. This is skeppy and bbh- you said
-hi/hello- they said and smiled
-im wilbur she's Niki and he's eret nice to meet you- wilbur said
-are you okay we heard screaming earlier?- bbh asked
-we're okay it was just an argument- Niki smiled
-so you know what to do can you tell us now?- eret asked
-ah yes i forgot. So we are in a game called Minecraft and we need to beat the game without getting hurt- you said
-without getting hurt?- Niki asked
-yes because we have only three lives and when we use them all we are dead- you said
-oh no that's not good at all!- bbh said worried
-guys am i the only one having the feeling of being watched by someone?- skeppy asked
-if you wouldn't have said it then i would not feel it- eret said

S/n pov
-so do you want to explore or something?- tommy asked
-YEA ADVENTURE TIME- tubbo yelled to loud
-i think i heard something or someone- you said
-hello? Is someone here?- a man voice asked
"Wait i recognize it" you thought
-who are you?- tubbo asked
-in Phil where are you I don't see you anywhere- he asked
-are you bad person?- tommy asked
-no I'm a good person but I'm lost- Phil said
-we're lost too- you got out of the bush
-oh you're teenagers- he said
-YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?! - tommy yelled
-no no - he laughed
-im s/n this is ribbon and tommy- you said
-nice to meet you three- Phil smiled
-so now we have a adult with us so we can adventure!- tubbo said
- adventure? Sure i guess - Phil said
- yay!- you three cheered
- where should we go first? Which way?- tommy asked
-AH FUXK DONT PUNCH ME NICK!- a familiar voice yelled from the forest behind you
-lets investigate!- tubbo said
-wait no i think we should not- Phil said
-you have no choice now come on- you said

You walked in the forest.
-what a good weather!- tubbo smiled and then
BADUM the storm
-thank before you say something tubbo!- tommy yelled and all of you ran to the sound soaking wet

-HELLO?-tommy yelled
-Tommy?!- the voice yelled
"Is it..."
-TOMMY ITS ME DREAM! - he said
-let me handle it - you said
-s/n- he said
-stop saying cause they will be scared- you said softer
-why?- dream asked
-they memories are gone so don't be suspicious- you said
-oh alright - he said
-hello person?- you said to sapnap
-hi? Do i know you?- he asked
-no I'm s/n and there are my friends tommy Phil tubbo , who are you?- you asked
-oh I'm sapnap! But do you know this weird guy?- he asked
-yeah he was a magician before! so he can guess your name real fast!- you said
-a magician? Wow - dream whispered
-shah shut up- you whispered as well

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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