chapter 28

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A/n i think i am gonna do longer chapters? Tell me if you want the ones that were earlier ;)

You walked to the window but saw the material she was crying in earlier. You sniffed it and remembered the smell.
- it's wilbur's?- you asked yourself
- and he is alive thank God- now you were talking with yourself

You sniffed it again to tell where is he. He wasn't that far but it will take a day to go there and back. So you started running towards it.

B/n pov
We were now inside but y/n wasnt here.

- where is y/n- you asked
- she is- nick was interrupted by Darryl
- she said she will come back tommorow and we can't go outside- he said
- WHAT - nick asked
- why did we told them about the hat..- clay said sad
- you told them about it ?- you asked
- yes - george said

You sighed
- we need to follow the order - you said
- we can just look for her!- s/n said
- no we can't. If they told Darryl to look for us we need to do as they said - you said
- they will be fine r right?- tubbo asked
- yes - you said smiling

Y/n pov
I was close to where wilbur was but I was so tired. And then you heard someone running towards you. You got out of the way to see a man with a knife trying to kill you.
- hey stop!- you yelled
- why would I?!- he asked
- i am looking for wilbur please!- you yelled
- for who?- he said now calm
- for wilbur you know where he is?- you asked
- what do you want from him?- he asked and was getting angry
- i am his friend - you said
- what's your name then ?- he asked getting close to you
- y/n - you said and he froze
- y y/n ?- he stuttered
- what's your name ?- you asked confused
- techno..- he said
- TECHNO?!- you asked running to him

You hugged him tight and he hugged you as well.
-where is Wilbur?- you asked
-follow me - he said

You where walking to an abandoned building. Techno opened the door for you and you walked in front.
- techno where were- he stopped when he saw you
- hey wilbur - you said smiling and he runned to you
- YOU'RE ALIVE !!- he yelled and hugged you. You hugged him as well
- yes and the rest is too- you said and they both froze
- t the rest?- techno asked
- yes b but I didn't found ni Niki yet- you said sobbing
- hey hey it's alright we are going to find her alright ?- wilbur comforted you
- yeah ..- you said
- but I need to tell you something before we go- you said
- yes ? What is it?- techno asked
- w well do you believe in werewolfs?- you asked and they were confused
- well i believe in it but what about it ?- wilbur asked
- well back off a little but don't be scared alright?- you said and did as you said

You transformed into werewolf and they were shocked like everyone.
- y you are a w werewolf?- techno asked
- yes my sister and brother is too- you said
- b but when I watched a werewolf movie there were always hunters - wilbur said
- and there are .. i was shooted once and spotted once- you said
- b but who is the stronger werewolf ?- techno asked
- well you see i am the strongest- you said while rubbing your head
- that's cool!- they said in the same time
- oh you're not scared ?- you asked
- why would we be scared ?- techno asked
- well because of it ?- you said and transformed into wolf
- a alright you scared me there - techno said
- y yeah please turn back - wilbur said

You turned back and started laughing at them.
-its not funnyyyy- wilbur pouted
-b but it is funny- you said laughing still
-alright alright but do you have a place to stay ?- techno asked
-ye i have- you said
- but who did you find ?- wilbur asked
- well clay Darryl zak nick george tommy tubbo my sister my brother me and now you two- you said
- that's good to hear that they are alive - techno said smiling
- DIS YOU JUST SMILE ?!- you asked
- n no i d didn't smile ! - he stuttered
- oh my gawd that was a cute smile - wilbur said and techno started to chase him
- alright we need to go they are worried sick - you said smiling to them
- yeahhhh - wilbur said huffing

You started walking outside when you remembered about your nose .

- guys do you have something of the rest ?- you asked
- what do you mean ?- techno asked
- yes i have Phil's scarf why?- wilbur said
- YOU HAD IT AND DIDNT TOLD ME ?!- techno yelled
- give me - you said and wilbur gave you the scarf
- why do you need- wilbur asked while you sniffed the scarf
- what are you doing?- techno asked confused
- ooh i know i know . Are you trying to locate him?- wilbur asked
- yes. Wow you know so much about werewolfs- you said smiling
- well where is he ?- techno asked
- i can tell you that he is alive. I am not telling the rest- you said smiling about It
- oh my God. I though that..- techno said
- he is alive don't worry- - you said
- let's go already!!- wilbur yelled
- alright alright - you said and sniffed your sister hat to remember where your Home was.
- why- you interrupted techno
- do you want to get lost?- you asked him
- nooo- he said
- then shush - you said and three of you started walking

Tubbo pov
It was getting dark outside and everyone was getting to bed.
-hey that's not fairrr- nick said
-what?- zak asked
-we don't have a pillow anymore - he said sad
-oh shit you're right - dream said sitting down
-LANGUAGE-  Darryl yelled
-ow Darryl my ears - b/n said with his ears down
-i am so so sorry b/n- Darryl said while patting him
-oohhh i ship it - clay said and everyone started laughing
- alright we need to go to sleep - tommy said
- yea - you agreed and got behind s/n and hugged her
'so cuddly i like it ' you though to yourself and tommy got in front and hugged her as well

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