8 ~ Author's Note

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So this is going to be an authors note, if you've made it this far in the story thank you so much for reading this far! I really do appreciate when someone takes the time to read my stuff whether it's on Quotev or Wattpad I appreciate each and every reader. This story has definitely brought up some old high school memories that honestly seem like a lifetime ago (it's only been five years at the time of writing this.) but so much has changed in my life since I graduated high school. I honestly have no idea what the age range is on my readers like I have no idea if a teenager is reading this and taking any advice I give them when I write (highly doubt it I was a teenager once upon a time and I took no one's advice I could be totally wrong though.).

Anywho this story has been extremely therapeutic in a way for me. It's very odd that I say that but most of the events or things happening in the book did happen to me one way or another. Like Christine getting dumped by Jason, I've been there and I had my own Jason who I drooled over (he was very very cute in middle school and high school.) and to this day the real life Jason and I are on good terms and we text each other from time to time. And some times when we talk about our adult issues and problems it really does make high school seem so dumb and insignificant. I'm not saying like the high school issues are dumb and insignificant, but as you get older you realize "Oh well that was kinda of stupid lol."

Another character this is a real life person I based on real people is Alice. I've had multiple girls like me simply because of a guy I was friends with or dating or hanging out with. I'm not gonna say their full names, there's E who had issues with me since middle school I think. We didn't even go to the same middle school but her boyfriend for a short period of time did, before we knew each other. Let's call him P, P had a crush on me and asked me out once and I rejected him because I only had eyes for Jason unfortunately and honestly P was not that cute to me. Our school district got all of the middle schools together in the district and that's when I ran into P and E. He introduced me to his girlfriend, and she kind of rolled her eyes. I however went about my business and we crossed paths again in highschool, I didn't know her that well and she talked shit about me. Once she got exposed for that, she stopped hanging around but still kept hanging around Jason. I shrugged it off tho. And to this day (at least up to three years ago) she still has an issue with me. We ran into each other at our local mall and she gave me the dirtiest look you could imagine.

Another person that Alice is based off of is, W. W was more so post Jason but even when I was with Jason she was actively hitting on freshman (guys that were in a lower grade than her typically but freshman were her favorite) when she was an upperclassman. W didn't like me because I was friends with this guy named C who I liked and liked me back but we never actively pursued each other. And it's not like W and I really stood a chance anyways cause he always had the hots for this girl named O (and they're currently dating go him!!!). W went out of her way to make sure I didn't sit and have lunch with him. She even begged him to not sit with means to sit with her instead. He didn't care and to this day we're still friends and W was or is ( I don't know anymore) associated with M (another girl I refuse to say their name, didn't do anything to me just a crappy roommate and friend to one of my friends.), E (still mad), and another girl I'll call Y. Why is her name Y? It's Y as in "Why would you do that?"

Y didn't like me because her ex-boyfriend wanted to date me and oh god the relationship was short lived but he's happily with my friend K and they're about five years strong. That's legit her only grievance with me, it's that her ex-boyfriend wanted to date me. So Alice is based off of three girls in my life E, W & Y who might (probably still do as exhibited by E) still have an issue with me.

I'm just gonna say my high school that I went to was extremely messy, but I had bigger issues to worry about in high school which was my home life. I'm not gonna lie this story touches on some things that make people either get triggered or really uncomfortable, but these are all real things everyone experiences one way or another. My home life was by no means great, I struggled with my mental health and my mother didn't really help with that. How my mother talked down to me and treated me was exactly how Xoey's mother did so. And with generational trauma literally everyone in the family shrugs it off or sweeps it under the rug and pretends it doesn't happen. That is the kind of behavior that enables an abuser whether it be mental, physical, verbal or sexual.

I went through mental and verbal abuse growing up which can really damage someone's self esteem. Xoey and Christine are two different versions of me. Xoey was me at home with my mother and Christine was me out and about in the real world. And out and about in the real world I'm shy but if I have to I'll talk to someone (ya know if that's what I'm getting paid to do.)

Nicholas Wayne isn't based off of anyone that I know he's just a made up character unfortunately and I had a hard time of thinking of a last name for him so he got the name Wayne. He's not at all associated with Bruce Wayne or Batman in any way shape or form. It just kinda came about that way.

Anyways thanks for reading this far into a very long and unnecessary author's note I really do appreciate you as a reader. I hope you continue to read the story moving forward please feel free to leave any comments or questions on my activity board! If you're reading this on Wattpad please feel free to comment on the story, leave a vote and say hello on my conversations tab. Please feel free to give me a follow on my insta and follow the playlist that inspired Too Bad So Sad.

Insta: @april.moon.epy_

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