Chapter one-hundred-twenty-three

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Next thing Faith knew was that she was laying rather uncomfortably on a mossy floor. She was sprawled eagle-like, but with one arm uncomfortably under her back, as she blinked against the harsh light of the sun that shone upon her. When she shifted to move her arm from under her she winced in pain and not even a second later she heard Harry's voice call out her name. 

"Faith? Are you OK?" He said, and Faith saw him move from the corner of her eye. 

Faith frowned at the tall trees that surrounded them as they laid on the forest floor. For a moment Faith's heart bloomed at the thought of the Forbidden Forest. Not because she had such great memories there but because that meant they'd be close to Hogwarts. They could pay Hagrid a visit, ignoring that Hogwarts might be the most dangerous place for them to be. 

After a second look, Faith realised that they were in fact nowhere near the Forbidden Forest. These trees looked much younger and stood further apart, causing the sun to shine through the foliage, something that wasn't the case in the Forbidden Forest. 

Faith finally sat up but flinched when she heard a loud crack come from her elbow, a searing pain shot through her upper arm. Her hair shot up and flashed electric blue for a moment.

"Ow!" Harry yelped from a couple of metres further. "Is that you, Faith?"

"Yes, I think so, didn't land very well," Faith said, scrunching up her face in pain. 

Everyone knew Faith had a talent for completely forgetting her injuries once something else remotely interesting happened, which was exactly why Harry didn't hear as much of a squeak of pain the moment they heard Ron groan out. 

Her eyes met Harry's as they both crawled over to Ron's head where they met a pale Hermione. 

"What's happened to him?" Harry asked.

Faith's eyes grew big at the sight of Ron's white face as the Polyjuice Potion was slowly wearing off. He was somewhere in the middle of being Ron and Mr Cattermole. 

"Splinched," Hermione muttered as she ripped open Ron's upper sleeve. Harry quickly moved over to Faith when he heard her gasp at the sight of her brother's arm. It was as if someone carefully sliced a chunk of flesh from his arm. "Harry, quickly in my bad, there's a small bottle labelled Essence of Dittany -"

"Bag - right -" Harry tore himself away from Faith, feeling small shots of pain every couple of seconds which he knew was from Faith's arm. Harry opened the beaded bag and started to rummage through, trying to feel around to find the bottle but his shaking hands weren't doing him any favours. 

"Your wand, Harry!" Faith reminded him.

He shook his head to pull himself together and then pointed his wand at the inside of the bag and muttered the enchantment.

"Accio dittany!"

The bottle jumped out of the bag and Harry could it instantly, mentally thanking his Seeker talent, knowing it was quite hard to catch a fragile glass bottle with shaking hands. He hurried back to Hermione and Faith and saw that Ron's eyelids were closed, just seeing a line of white underneath them.

"Oh, my God, did he faint?" Faith asked in panic as she clutched her hurting elbow. 

"Yes," Hermione said with a gulp, trying to unstopper the small bottle but she quickly gave it back to Harry. "Unstopper it for me, Harry, my hands are shaking,"

Harry quickly did it for her and handed it back to Hermione who poured the contents over the horrifying-looking wound. Within a couple of seconds, the wound was enclosed in a green smoke and once that lifted, the wound looked like it was already several days old. The skin looked healed and healthy. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now