Chapter one-hundred-four

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"If I have to pick you up from the hospital wing after the match, I'm not letting you on the team next year,"

"Harry -"

"No broken bones this time," Harry said warningly. "I'll let a bloody nose pass but nothing more,"

"OK, but if we lose because of it, I'm blaming you,"

"That's fine. Now, if Cho pulls something again I'll hex her -"

"She won't," Faith stood on her tippy-toes to give Harry a kiss on his cheek. "Good luck with Snape,"

Harry cupped her cheeks and kissed her on her lips, needing to savour her taste before heading into early detention with Snape. He wished with all his heart that he could go and watch at least but he also knew he probably deserved the detention.

"If you keep that up, we'll be late!" The two heard the teasing voice of Ginny right beside them. 

"No, we won't, we still have like a fifteen minutes!" Faith called back with a roll of her eyes. She smiled up at Harry, pressing one last soft kiss to his lips and then letting the balls of her feet touch the floor again. "I'll win for you,"

"You better," Harry grinned back as he let her go. "I'll see you in the common room later,"

"Or hospital wing," Faith shrugged as she slowly backed away from him with a large grin on her face.

"No, Faith -"

"Bye!" She winked at him, leaving him love-struck in the middle of the Entrance Hall. With an arm around Ginny, she walked on the Hogwarts' grounds towards the pitch along with practically the entire school as this game would decide the entire championship. "You excited?" Faith asked her kind-of-sister.

"Of course," Ginny nodded. "I can't wait to see the repeat of the infamous battle last time we played Ravenclaw. Girlfriend versus ex-girlfriend. This is going to be great,"

"I don't think it's going to be as epic as before," Faith chuckled. "Harry said he'll chuck me off the team if I break any more bones,"

"Do you really think he'll do that, knowing you practically live for Quidditch?" Ginny looked at her, going through her long hair with her hand when she spotted a certain Ravenclaw behind Faith. 

"How're things going with Luna?" Faith asked when she noticed her too. 

"Why?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing, just thought I saw you two sitting in a tree yesterday," Faith told the red-head innocently. "You know how the song goes ..." Ginny's face turned bright red, like her hair, when she realised what Faith was talking about. "So, what's up with you two?"

"In my defence, you weren't supposed to see that," Ginny mumbled but she wasn't able to take the smile off her face. "We kissed but we haven't necessarily talked about it yet,"

"You should. Take it from me; always talk after you kiss," Faith said remembering how much she had stressed the entire Christmas holidays after Harry and she kissed at Slughorn's Christmas party. 

"Hypocrite," Ginny grinned and Faith rolled her eyes. 

They had almost reached the Quidditch pitch. Faith and Ginny were walking right behind a couple of players of the Ravenclaw team. Faith recognised the tall dark-haired girl right in front of her as Cho Chang, both Harry's and Cedric's ex-girlfriend. Despite their odd connection to each other, Faith and Cho never talked. Not when Cho was dating Cedric, not after he died and not when she dated Harry. Well, during the last part it was obvious they didn't talk as Cho suspected Faith of snogging Harry which was technically only a little bit true. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now