Chapter ninety

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Faith felt a weird sensation in her stomach when she heard Harry talk back to Snape in the most astonishing way possible. It was like she was turned-on, wanting to take Harry and kiss him right on the lips as a reward for that awesome bit of sassiness. She was so proud of him, she couldn't even think twice about the thought of kissing her best friend. It felt so natural all of the sudden, as if she had an awakening. 

Faith couldn't really explain it either but the sight of Harry absolutely owning Snape in front of the entire class made Faith feel so ablaze, she couldn't even finish the lesson with a clear mind. All she could do was trying not to burst into laughter and think about Harry. 

Once the lesson was over and they were on their way back to the courtyard for the break, Faith instantly started to compliment Harry. 

"Wow, Harry, that was awesome!" Ron said. 

"That was the most brilliant thing you've ever done in your entire existence, Harry James Potter," Faith breathed out with a grin. "I don't think I've ever been this proud of someone, and I mean that! I feel like I should reward you or something ... oh, come here!" Faith pulled Harry towards her by his tie and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 

"Oh - oh, wow," Harry mumbled without thinking as a wide smile adorned his face. "Thanks,"

"You really shouldn't have said it," Hermione said with a frown. "What made you?"

"What? Hermione, that was the single most brilliant thing someone has ever done in the history of this world!" Faith said loudly. 

"He tried to jinx me, in case you didn't notice," Harry reminded Hermione once he came back to his senses. "I had enough of that during those Occlumency lessons! Why doesn't he use another guinea pig for a change? What's Dumbledore playing at, anyway, letting him teach Defence? Did you hear him talk about the Dark Arts? He loves them! All that unfixed, indestructible stuff -"

"Well, when he explained how the Dark Arts worked I thought he sounded a bit like you, just annoying and uglier," Faith told him and Hermione nodded.

"Like me?"

"Yes, remember when you were telling us what it was like the face Voldemort in the graveyard? You told us it wasn't just memorising a bunch of spells, you said it was just you, your brains and your gut - and that's basically what Snape said too, the only difference being that he told it in a more praising way and that he's a bloody wanker," Faith said, adding the last part with a grimace. 

"Exactly, that it just comes down to being brave and quick-thinking," Hermione nodded in agreement. 

Harry was so in wonder that they had reminded his exact words that he didn't even felt the need to argue them. 

"Harry! Hey, Harry!" The voice of Jack Sloper sounded from behind them. He was holding out a roll of parchment. 

"For you," Sloper gasped. "Listen, I heard you're the new Captain. When're you holding trials?"

"I'm not sure yet," Harry said as he looked down on the scroll where his name was written in neat handwriting. He thought Sloper had to get really lucky to return to the team after his poor performances last year. Harry couldn't quite remember if it was him or Kirke - the other Beater - that accidentally hit Faith with a Bludger. 

"Oh, right. I was hoping it'd be this weekend -"

Harry didn't give him the chance to finished. He hurried away when he recognised the handwriting, pulling his friends with him. 

Dear Harry,
    I would like to start the private lessons this Saturday.
 Kindly come along to my office at eight p.m. I hope you were enjoying your first day back at school.
Yours sincerely,
Albus Dumbledore
P.S. I enjoy Acid Pops.

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now