Chapter ninety-seven

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The news that Harry Potter and Faith Diggory were now officially dating went through the school like wildfire after they were caught red-handed making out in a broom cupboard by Ginny and Luna who were trying to hide from Peeves.

And that was only three days after their fight that led to their third kiss.

Peeves thought it would be really funny to make a song about them so the days after that, the only thing Harry and Faith heard when they walked down the corridors was that song as every student now knew it. 

The reactions from their friends were all positive, though Harry and Faith had not realised that almost every single one of them knew about their crushes before they even told then. Appearantly they were a little too obvious.

Since Peeves had spread the news through the entire school, Harry and Faith saw no reason in going through the trouble of telling them themselves so they just waited before people started coming up to them one by one and asking if it was really true. 

Ginny and Luna were the first to find out, obviously. Ginny had just stared at the two with an open mouth and a slight smirk on her lips. Luna had started to clap and told them that kissing was a good way to get rid of Wrackspurts.

Hermione approached them during dinner that day and kissed them both on the cheek, squealing about how excited she was for them. Harry and Hermione informed Faith that Hermione already knew about Harry's feelings and Hermione proudly said it was her idea for Harry to ask Faith to Slughorn's Christmas party. 

Ron took Harry and Faith by surprise when he stormed at them after Hermione had slipped away. 

"You're dating my best friend?" Ron had asked Faith to which she nodded. "And you're dating my sister?" 

"More or less, yes," Harry nodded as he felt a squeeze in his hand that was intertwined with Faith's under the table. 

"Well, finally," Ron sighed with a grin as he sat down in front of them. 

When Lavender and Parvati heard, they gave Faith a cross-examination about how it exactly happened, loving the new gossip. Seamus had proudly high-fived Harry and both Dean and Neville congratulated them, though they made it sound an awful lot as if Harry and Faith were getting married. 

Ron had sent Fred and George, Bill and Charlie a letter about the news and they all sent back happy replies, though Fred and George went to the trouble of making a Howler that didn't rip itself up after the message was done but kept repeating itself until Faith ripped it up herself. 

Alex had sent them a happy letter too and Harry was surprisingly calm about it so Faith was glad. 

The only people who weren't so happy with the news were Eddie Carmichael and multiple girls that had plotted on giving Harry a love potion. The girls were giving Faith nasty looks whenever they passed her walking hand in hand with Harry through the school. 

Maybe the teachers weren't so happy about it either. Well, in the beginning, they were. McGonagall had never seen Harry as happy as he was now, always catching him with a dazed grin on his face. Faith was more than often spotting with pink hair instead of her regular dark hair, a colour no one had ever seen her with. The part that made the teachers love the new couple less, was the fact that they were often late to classes and had a hard time concentrating on their work. They were also often caught with dishevelled clothes and messy hair. 

"Come on, I think the dormitory is empty, they all already left for breakfast," Harry whispered as he took Faith by her hand and led her up the stairs to the boys' dormitories.

Faith pressed him against one of the doors, not able to wait and pressed her lips on his. They were moving against each other fiercely, both hungry for each other. Faith moved her hand up the door to find the door handle and pushed it down, making Harry and she almost tumble in. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now