1 Chapter

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Invisible, what does that mean, not seen, not being noticed or for some kids superpower. Yeah that's it. Imagine you are invisible super isn't it. No..... This Harry though. This 16 years old kid though he was "invisible", he was invisible for his parents, for his teachers and kids from school.


Harry's p.o.v.

It's Wednesday morning and Harry's phone started buzzing at 7:17 am. He just loudly groan and threw his phone to the wall, but his phone was still buzzing so Harry pushed his blanket and stood from his bed and walked to pick his stupid loud buzzing phone.

"Shit" he mumbled under his nose when he picked it up he noticed that his screen is totally broken but he didn't really care his parents wouldn't fix it or even buy him new phone they never really cared about Harry so it doesn't matter anyway.

He walked to the kitchen and took his favourite cereals 'Lucky Charms'
He put them to the green bowl with blue stripes. In the fridge he noticed they ran out of lot groceries so he have to buy more after school, luckily he still has some milk. Of course Harry poured his cereals with 70 millilitres of milk, that's his perfect imagination of breakfast. His spoon is really special it's not silver like others but it's made from recycled materials like you know Harry is "big ecoactivist" but it is what it is.

Fun fact that's the only spoon they have at home because his brother Liam has strange fear of spoons . Liam Payne 16 years old boy Harry's brother and one of two Harry's friends other friend is Zayn Liam's boyfriend. "Morning" Harry turn his head and saw Liam. "Good morning Leeyum" Harry greated. Liam sat opposite from Harry and started to eat apple. "I have to go to market after school so would you give me 20 bucks?" Harry asked but he knew that Liam wouldn't give him, but still asked.
"No". Liam answered. Yep that's what he thought. "Nevermind, I'm going to school, bye." Harry said.

Harry hates walking to school only thing he see is kids, kids with friends, kids that are happy and shits like that.

That reminds him he miss childhood, he miss spending time with his parents or friends. Kids that time didn't care about how many followers fo you have or how popular you are at school you are. No... you just came and you're already friends. But kids were also really shitty to him they called him 'faggot' or 'virus' yes virus because they though being gay is some kind of virus.

Yeah, Harry is gay that's why he is so lonely kids at school know that but they don't care.

Finally he arrived to school noone looked at him they don't notice him. When he got to his locker with number '132' he took Spanish book and walked to his class. He was 6 minutes before class starts so he sat in back. Nobody was there so it was fine.

Like minute before class started he noticed he forgot his pen so he ran out from class to his locker. It started to rang so he hurried up but suddenly he heard something "hey excuse me." Harry didn't know they were talking to him so he ignored it. "Excuse me" he heard again that voice was angelic he could listen to this voice all day all night.

Someone lightly pushed my shoulder and I turn my head and saw the most beautiful ocean crystal eyes. I was literally paralysed when I saw him. "Ehm can I ask where is the Spanish class?" boy with blue eyes asked.

"Uhm,uhn i mean i think uhm..." Harry didn't know what to say even when he knows where the class is, it's a class that he is late for. "Shit, I mean yes i know come with me." Harry finally answered. "Thank you" boy thanked him. Harry was so nervous like really nervous his palms were sweating like waterfall it took like 2 minutes to arrived but for Harry it was like lifetime.

"So this is the Spanish class?" boy with these beautiful eyes asked. I just noded. "Oh, okay so are we going or we just ankwardly stood here?" this boy again ask. "Oh yeah yeah come in." I shrugged. We came in and all those people started to stare at us i felt ankward so I went to sit on my place.

"You must be the new exchange student right?" Mrs.Collin asked. "Yes" he just akwardly answered. "You can chose where you want to sit, oh look Mr. Styles has an empty place, you can sit next to him." my Spanish teacher just offered sit next to me to this pretty boy who I don't even know the name. 'Shit this is not going to be good' I thought. "Hey darling" boy said. My eyes widened to the nickname my heart beated faster really faster. 'What the hell is wrong with me' I asked myself.

I just realized I didn't answer him. I turn my head to see his face but his attention was to the teacher who was explaining something. I didn't really care what she was saying I never was or I never going to be a fan of Spanish but whatever. I laid my head on desk and tried to sleep but someone interrupt me. "Hey, hey, hey ,hey , wake up!" I heard again that beautiful voice.

"What" I was a bit angry he interrupted me. "Is the desk comfortable cuz I don't think so." he smirked. "It's alright" I lied. "So you're Styles, what's your first name if you don't mind me ask." this boy again asked something. It's not I don't want listen to him but I wanted to sleep.
"First of all what's yours?" I asked.
"Ah, ah ,ah what a bad boy, mine is secret." he smirked. "And mine isn't?" I said a bit loudly. "No I already know something so I have right to know your first." he answered with a bit smile on his face. "It's Harry" I sighed.

Unfortunately bell started to ring and everyone stood up and walked out the class. "It was pleasure to meet you Harry." boy who I still don't know name said.

'And that's what it only person I talked this year left class, and maybe I'll never meet him again. Why would I meet him again I'm invisible'

Hey sorry if it's shitty but this is my first time writing fan a fiction. Hope you gonna like it.
Lots of luv :3

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