7 chapter

8 3 2

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry, Harry, Harry, HARRY!" I heard someone shouting at me and then I realized I'm still at Louis'.

"Harreh you're alright you zoned out for like 3 minutes." Louis said with worried face. "Yeah,yeah I'm alright." I lied to Louis so we coul go home.

"Wanna talk about it?" He still have his worried face on. I'm not gonna lie he's adorable when he's worried. "Could w e please forget and never mention this whole thing..." I ask with little hope we'll never mention this. Louis took a deep breath and answered "Okay, but please when you'll be ready you cant talk to me." I saw on his face little hope so I nodded.

Whole ride to my house was silent not that comfortable silent but that ankward.

Finally I saw my house and I couldn't be happier not that I don't want to see my future husband uhm... I mean Louis, but this was too ankward.

"Thanks." I mumbled cuz that's everything I could say.

"So you're leaving me right here alone without hug?" I didn't expect him to say this but I wasn't mad. He opened his arms and I took it like a sign to hug him. His strong arms ere wrap around my skinny waist, my arms were around his neck I hope I didn't hug him tightly cuz if he's going to choke that would be bad..

He was the one who pilled first that made me a bit sad I wanted to be in his arms for rest of my life.

Louis coughed ankwardly "so see you at school." He waved to me with hus small hand. "Yeah at school." I got out from his car and reached to my crap house.

I didn't bother to say something when I stepped in. I was lucky Liam didn't have his boyfriend here cuz only sounds I would hear be... you know.

For dinner I made my favourite dish chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrap in parmaham with side of homemade mash and little a bit of gravy but without gravy because I forgot to buy it.

It was in the oven now while I was making my mass potatoes I didn't make too much, Liam wasn't at home so I made just small portion for myself. My phone started to buzz so I picked it up to find unknown number writing to me.

Unknown: hey watcha doing?

I was staring at it with wife eyes. 'Who in the hell is that' 'how did he get my number' all this question were running through my head. I was curious so I asked the unknown number.

Me: Who the hell are you, how did you get my number?

I thought he wouldn't reply that fast so I went to my mash potatoes but my phone buzzed again.

Unknown: Ugh sorry Harold it's me Louis oh and I got it from Mr. Benston.

Why would Mr. Benston gave him my number?

Me:  oh hi Louis I'm just doing dinner. U?

Louis: yk just chillingggg and thinking about your gorgeous eyeesss

I blushed like a pepper but wait why would he thinking about me.

Me: louis r u drunk?

Louis: no

Louis: may or may not

I didn't bother and I called him in that moment I was worried about him.

"Hello? Louis. Are you alright?" I was worried about him like a mother that let her child go to his first party.

"Yeah I'm alright. Why?" He didn't sound drunk then why would he just wrote it....

"Louis are you trying to flirt with me?" Bitch why would I ask this stupid question I sound like a teenage girl oh no he must hate me right now. I fucked it up.

"Wait noone ever told you something like this?" Then was just a silent.

"I gotta go my kitchen is set on fire bye." Okay now I fucked it all up.

But my chicken is alright.

Louis' P.O.V.

It was now Friday finally last day of school. Good thing is I wouldn't have school bad I wouldn't see these gorgeous emerald eyes. Maybe I should make a step. Nah. He may not feel the same way.

Yesterday I wasn't drunk or high no I was sober more sober then I ever was. Literally noone told him that.

I changed my pyjamas to red skinny jeans with blue and white striped t-shirt. My ass looked good in it. I have really nice arse noone can't argue 'bout that.

"Hey Boobear." My mom greeted me. "Mom you know how I hate this nickname it's embarrassing me." I groaned louder than I thought. "I know but you'll be always mine little Boobear." She said while giving me pancakes with chocolate chips on top. "Give me a break I'm big." I straight my posture. "In your dreams Louis, in your dreams." She said. I scoffed at her.

Then all my sisters rushed to kitchen it looked more like tornado than people. I push much as J can pancakes to my mouth so I could ran away from them. No offense I love my sisters but they can be really annoying sometimes.

"Lou and goodbye kiss to your mother before you go to school." She pointed at her cheek I rolled my eyes and pressed a small kiss.

"Bye mum, bye Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe and Daisy." I closed the door and hoped to my red car.

On ride to school I turn on radio and Ed Sheeran with his song 'shape of you' was on. It remind me shape of my butt.

I parked my car and spotted ball with curly hair. I jumped on him so he would notice me.

"Lou I nearly got heart attack." I chuckled how cute he look when he's scared.

"Tommo." Niall shouted through whole park. "Come with us." Then Niall sprinted to us with his crew. "Oh yeah can Harry come with us?"i asked Niall. "Yeah why no-" Irish boy was intrupted by Tina. "Uhm no he would just stare at Niall and you cuz he's faggot." Tina scoffed. I swear if she wasn't a girl I would punch her at face but I had to control my anger.

"Tina!" Niall warned. "What she's  telling true." Jessie added. I think my head was streaming from that anger.

"It's fine." Harry said and was about to go to school but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards my chest and whisper to his ear. "Ah,ah,ah you're not going anywhere without me." I pulled away to see his shy face and his wide eyes.

Niall and his crew were already in school cuz Jessie and Tina were disgusted by Harry. Poor baby... Wait what baby.. noo. What is wrong with me. I'm straight like a ruler. Then why I have this weird feeling in stomach when I see Harry.

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