2 chapter

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Harry's P.O.V.

I walked out the class to my locker '132' to grab my Math book for of course Math class. When I turn my head to walk to the Math class I saw him again, boy with brown caramel hair, ocean blue eyes and black glasses I realized he was quite short that he is in same age like me. Unfortunately the popular group in school walked to him. Group contains Jessie, Tina, James and the most popular boy in the school Niall.

"Hey man are you new here, I never saw you here you may be new." The Irish man said while laughing. Noone know why but Niall always laugh even it's not funny , but that's why he's the popular and favourite in school. They think they make him laugh but No he laughs literally at anything. I remember when some dice rolled over to him and he laughed his ass off. Yeah that's Niall. He's not mean or anything he seems to be really nice guy.

"Yeah, yeah I'm the exchange student, I'm from UK." the pretty boy answered. "I'm Niall, you?" Niall asked. He was about to answer but suddenly bell rang. "Damnit"I  mumbled I really want to know his name.

I hoped he will have again class with me but he went to the opposite way that I'm going. When I arrived to my Math class I noticed all the back seats are taken so I have to sit infront. "Ugh" I groaned. Unfortunately the only free seat is next to Jessie. I don't like her she doesn't like me either, but now I have no choice. I sat next to her but she didn't even noticed. She notice me when teacher came in. "What are you doing here fagot?" she snapped. "Can't you see I'm sitting in class." i snapped her back. "Ooh so you can talk?" she rudely asked. "No I can't, I'm barking." I roll my eyes. Then teacher started to talk and it was so boring I rather jump from window then sit next to this meanie and listening to some Math shits. Finally bell started to ring but someone grab my shoulder and turn me. "Harry I have to talk to you." my Math teacher Mr. Benston said seriously. "About what?" I asked. "You're failing like every single class!" He said loudly. "And?" I didn't seem to care about that, who care about me anyways. " 'and?' we have to call your parents." Mr. Benston said. "They don't care about me." I said truth. "We'll call them anyways but we found you a tutor, he's here just a week but he is really smart and he can help you." my teacher said but I just sighed. "I don't need a tutor a rather fail all the classes" I was lying I need a tutor. "Tomorrow you'll meet him and that's my last word, bye Mr. Styles." with this Mr. Benston left.

Niall's P.O.V.

It was time for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and saw my group. I grabbed some tuna sandwich and two slices of pizza and one chocolate cookie and coke. It seems a lot but I have a big appetite. I was about to go to my table when I saw that boy I mer in the hallway. "Hey man" I greeted him. "Oh hi" the boy from hallway said. "Do you want to sit with me and my group?" I asked him. "I don't see any bad reason so why not?" boy from the hallway said. "Okay come with me." I said. He just nodded and walk behind me like a lost puppy. "Here you can sit wherever you want." I said. "Thanks" boy from the hallway said.  "Hey cutie" I cringed when I heard Jessie called the boy from hallway with the nickname. "Hahahhaaha" I started laughing. "Ehm hey" boy from the hallway said while blushing. "Jessie stop flirting with him!" I said while laughing. "Why not, by the way I saw you talking to the fagot in Spanish class." Jessie said. "Fagot?" boy from the hallway said a bit nervous. "Yeah yeah he like dicks." Jessie snapped. "Jessie prrr, stop ok?" I said a bit angry I hate when people assume others. Jessie rolled her eyes. "So how do you like it here?" Tina asked. "It's nice here I like it." the boy from the hallway said. "Oh I forgot this id Tina, this James and the girl who you talked first is Jessie." I said. "Oh hey Tina, Jessie and James I'm Louis." the boy from the hallway said. "Finally." I yelled a bit. "What?" Louis was confused. "I wanted to ask your name because I always called you 'the boy from the hallway'." I said while laughing. Louis laughed too. And other people at the table started to laugh too. They didn't laugh because i said something funny, no they laughed because the I laughed.


Sorry this is shorter then the story before :(

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