9 Chapter

13 3 78

Shit. The only thing was on my mind when I woke up. I wasn't in my bed and nor in my bedroom. "Shit." I looked at my phone.

5 missed calls from Ma

Mom's going to kill me. Whatever.

I smuggled closer to my big teddy bear it was warm really warm and I was cold. And then i remembered I don't have teddy bear.


"Ouch" I touched my head and felt slightly big peak. I heard small groan from the couch. I saw hand flying above my head.

"Lou." No response. Louuuuubear."

oh I'm still at Harry's

"Sorry Harold I fell." Harry chuckled. Harry walked to the kitchen. "Want something to eat? We have pancakes or cereals!"

"Do you have coco puffs?"


"I'm on my way!"

I snatched the cereals from his hands and ran to the table but tripped. "Ow." I held my foot and saw my thumb is turning blue.

"You alright down there?" Harry lookeda  bit worried.

"Kiss would bring it better." I placed my hand over my mouth. Shit

"W-what did you say I didn't hear well." He looked to my eyes.

"I said ice would bring it better." My cheeks were getting hot.

"O-oh, yeah wait I'll bring some peas."

"But I don't like peas."

"You're saying like you would eat it." He placed peas on my big toe.

I hiss from the payne.

"Here put that in your mouth." He passed me the cereals.

I munched one by one while Harry keep doing some thing to my toe.

He put back peas to the freezer while I was trying to sit on the chair. I saw I don't have bowl neither spoon not even milk.



"Bring me tools to eat."

47 seconds pass and he was on his way with my things.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed when I saw him pour milk first over cereals.


"Are you psycho?"

He look scared and confused from my reaction.

"No.... Why would I be?"

I pointed to his bowl. And then look dead to his eyes.

"Ooh you mean this. Let me explain."

I showed him he can go on.

"So when you put milk first your cereal wouldn't be soggy, when you put milk after that's like waterfall to the cereal so they would probably drown."

To be honest it makes some sense.

Breakfast went well we chatted and laugh and then I had to ran back home for my school supplies.


"Hey Tommo." I heard from another side from cafeteria. I looked back and saw Niall with his group.

"Why Tommo I still don't understand."

"You're name is Tomlinson isn't it?"

I nodded

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