8 chapter

11 3 18

Louis P.O.V.

It was end of the school unfortunately I didn't have any classes with Harry. Wait why am I still thinking about this boy with beautiful green ey- wait Louis stop. That's creepy.

Anyway today I'm going to tutor Harry again. Not gonna lie I'm pretty excited. I head home to pick some stuff.

"I'm home." I shouted but noone responded maybe I was lucky and I could have some privacy with Harry.... Louis really stop that's weird you're more straight than ruler.


I picked up Harry from his apartment and went to my house. Again the ride was silent but now the comfortable silent.


I didn't expect that Harry is not that dumb he is pretty smart. I don't understand why he needed this all shit.

"Learning is so easy,wow."

"Yeah, just need right methods." I send him smirk

"So I think you can go home now, I learnt today more than in school."

I didn't want to go home I wanted to stay with him watch him how he has pen in his teeth when he's focussing or when he's playing with his fingers when he's shy. He's just so adorable.

'What are you talking about Tomlinson. Reminder you're hetero'

Some fingers were at my face snapping. "Earth to LouLou." His eyes widened when he realized what he said. "Uh- uhm i didn't mean to sorry." He was looking at his lap.


I thought. What's wrong with me.

"s alright I like it." It was true.

"Hmmmm now I'm thinking you could get a pet name too. "Hazzabear!" I cheered.

He narrowed his eyebrow and looked dead at my soul. But then he grinned and jump at me. "I love it." Is all he said.

And then he pulled away like nothing happened. 'I wanted this to last longer.'

"Wanna watch movie?" He suggested. "Of course, can we watch some Disney movies." I felt like a child again.

"Yes, which one?" he took a break "Oh, could we watch Lady and Tramp, please?" Where did this all come from. All of his confidence. Not gonna lie I liked this side of Harry.

"Wanna order a take out or we could cook something." Harry shouted from kitchen.

"Uhm I can't really cook to be honest." Last time I cooked I put sugar instead of salt.

"Guess we are ordering."

I nodded and walked to couch in the living room.

15 minutes later and we have pepperoni pizza and 2 coke. It would be cool to eat spaghetti like Lady and Tramp did. My eyes widened of this thought. And now I was really questioning if I was really that straight like spaghetti.

Short chapter. Sorreh. Do you like olives on pizza?

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