6 chapter

10 3 9

Harry's P.O.V.

We arrived to Louis house. It was big really big like a mansion. It was grey some tree were outside and lots of toys outside. He opened the door and first thing was someone jumped on Louis literally jump like a monkey. "Hi Lou." Small brunette girl with same ocean eyes like Louis said to Louis. "Hey monster." Louis said and poked her nose. "Who's this?" She pointed at me and I looked down at my hands. "Oh that's my friend Harry, Harry Phoebe, Phoebe Harry." Louis greeted me to Phoebe she was maybe 5 years old.

"Hi 'arry." Her saying my name was the cutest thing ever. I already like her. "Hi Phoebe are you Louis sister?" Gez I'm stupid of course she is why would I ask. "Yes I'm Lou sister" Phoebe informed me. "His favourite." She whispered to me. Louis just giggled. God his giggle is too cute. "So Harry come with me my room is upstairs." and I just walk ed behind him. His room was twice bigger than mine but I think I have something different twice bigger.

His room was covered with posters of different bands and singers. Room was blue some shade of blue more like baby blue. And he have big shelf where are books and next is his huge bed. Next his bed is night table where are some clocks. "So do you want to start now?" Louis distrub my observing his room. "Yeah we can start now." I was so embarrassed. "Okay so we would start with Math." I just groan because I hate Math but I would do anything Louis would say.

"Okay so what you don't know?" Louis asked and I just shrugged. "Everything." I told him truth. He just looked at me with wide eyes bigger than ping pong balls. "I know I'm stupid I'm sorry for bothering you." I really tried not to cry but one tear appeared on my face. "No Harry you're not ,everybody have they time to study and you just need more time that's okay Harry." Louis looked straight to my eyes. I met his beautiful ocean eyes again. Fuck. He's beautiful. Harry don't stare. But I stared.

"Harry it's okay really, come here." He pulled me into embarrassing hug but it was nice feeling. Someone cared about. "Thank you." I mumbled to his chest and then pulled out from that hug. He looked sad. Why did he looked sad. "You don't have to thank me, I didn't do anything." He shrugged with his words. "You did." That's all I said.

"Okay so let's get started." He started conversation after that ankward silence.

I though it were hours, no we studied just 20 minutes, but he thought me more than most of teachers. I was so thankful for him. "So do you understand this?" Louis asked pointing at some example.

"Yes, do you want to be teacher cuz you thought me more than teachers in our school." I giggled.

"I would love to if students would be like you." He had again that smirk on his face. I was blushing like an idiot again.  Shit. I hate he has the power to make me blush.

"So that's for Math today let's start Biology." Louis said. "Okay." I just want to stare at him. Can someone draw him and I can stare at the portrait so I wouldn't look like a creep. "So about biology today we're going to talk about DNA." Louis said while finding biology book. I was till staring at him. Then he looked at me and I looked away, I looked to the window so I wouldn't be suspicious.

This was much faster than Math because Biology is more interesting for me so. "Yeah perfect that's DNA, you're talented I dont know why you need a tutor." He looked like a proud dad of 5 children.  'If  didn't have a tutor I wouldn't stare at you' I though in my head.

"That's it for today you were doing great." Louis said while giving me some papers. "These are some notes they can help you too." I took them from his hands and our hands again touch it felt like electric but between us. I hope he feel the same way. " Thanks." I was about to open doors but Louis spoke up. "Do you need ride home, it's getting late and dark." He looked excited. "Actually yes, it's pretty far away from my house, so it would be lovely from you." fuck I was blushing again.

"Hi Louis, oh who is this pretty boy?" woman that looked exactly like Louis spoke up. "Hey mom this is Harry I'm his new tutor." His mom looked at me gave me her hand. "Hi Harry I'm Louis mom is pleasure to meet you, we're here just for this year, I'm so happy Louis found friend." Louis mom said.

I shaked her hand but then she pulled me to a hug. It was nice to feel it reminded me like my mom used to hugged me. "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Tomlinson." I didn't know how to call her. "Aww call me Jay that's short for Johannah." Louis mom Jay told me. "Okay Jay." I smiled at her.

"Come on Harry your parents would be worried." Than Louis put his hand on his mouth. Did he know something? "Uhm okay bye Jay." I wave at her she waved back. We were at Louis car and he spoke up.
"Sorry what I said before, I mean Tina told me what happened I'm sorry." He looked at his lap maybe he was embarrassed. "It's alright I'm more okay now." I wasn't I still feel same like it all happened 3 years ago.


"Did I heard right?" Anne yelled at me. "You like dicks? I can't believe it my don is fag!" She scoffed. "What a disgusting child I raised!" Robin yelled at me. "How we didn't notice you were literally going to school in crop tops! And we didn't thought you'll be faggot!"  Anne yelled and throwing vine bottle towards me. They were shouting at each other about it was their fault. And that they hate me. But then Liam yelled at them. "Mom dad stop it, can't you see Harry is hurt you are telling him he's like some kind of parasite, but he's not he is your son!" Liam is asshole but he always stands up for me and I'm so thankful that he's my brother. "He's not anymore." I heard Robin said. "If he would he wouldn't be a faggot! Don't you understand?!" My mom yelled at me and Liam. "If you say like that-" I stopped Liam. " Liam don't." I warned him but it was late. "I'm gay too." I heard both if my parents gasp. And with that Robin hand was on Liam's cheek, he grabbed him by his shirt and press him against wall. "Don't fuck with me tell me that's lie, If that kid is faggot whatever, but please not you!" My dad told Liam looking straight to his eyes. "I am gay." Liam was throw on the floor. "I'm disappointed." My dad walked to his bedroom and started to pack up my mom already was pack up so she waited for my dad. When he was done , I heard someone slam the door.

That was the last time I saw my parents.

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