Chapter 31

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"Look he's smiling Liv. He's totally fine."

"He's smiling because he's terrified Rhodes." I roll my eyes as Nick is death staring the smiling 8th grader who looks so innocent and so tiny.

"You can leave now, tiny human." Nick scoots the guy away and he bolts with his books in his hand.

"You cannot force 8th graders to do your homework for you." I retort.

"They need to know who their superiors are."

"No, you drag me out of class saying there's an emergency only for you to do this." I walk back to my locker.

"Come on Liv. You cannot be mad, I thought it was going to be fun." He catches up to me and smirks.

"No. We're finally 10th graders, we need to grow up sometime Rhodes." I roll my eyes and he leans on my locker as I open it.

"What happened to NickNak? Did you just outgrow that?" He raises his eyebrow.

"No, we're just older now." I slam my locker shut and he grabs my books out of my hand.

"I can do it myself you know. Don't want people to think we're dating. Especially Jay." I try to grab my books but he pulls them the other way.

"Doubt it. He is still my friend even though you guys broke up a week ago, he hates you though." He winks and I roll my eyes. Jay and I had a mutual breakup and we are still really good friends regardless of breaking up.

"I'm just teasing, besides he's still not over the whole break up." He shrugs. I instantly stop.

"What? I thought we were fine?" I frown.

"You are, but you're clearly a difficult girl to get over." He winks as he opens the classroom door and motions me to walk in, I death stare him and as I walk in everyone stares at Nick and myself. We apologize for being late and we rush to our seats.


"Olivia?" I zone back to Brad nudging my shoulder and I stare at the board. Can this lecture get any more boring? I doodle a bit and he keeps looking at me and then back at the board until his phone vibrates. He is glued to his phone! He glances at it and then places it back in his jacket. I stare at the clock and still fifteen minutes to go and I glance at Brad whose clenched his jaw and he is attempting to concentrate. He slowly moves his hand onto my leg and circles his thumb on my thigh. My eyes pierce up to him smirking and he slowly moves his hand up my skirt an I just say, damn it's difficult to keep my composure. He stops as if he's waiting for my permission, and I clear my throat and he moves it up until his fingers reach my panties and then his phone vibrates again. He quickly moves his hand back and checks his phone.

"I need to go." He whispers, kisses me on the cheek and slips out of the lecture room. Quite frankly I cannot do this secrecy anymore. He is being so ridiculous. I need to focus on my studying more than I need to focus on him but he basically lives with me now and it's not like I can just ignore him and it's not as if he acts so strange all the time. The lecture ends and I head to Starbucks to meet up with Aiden and Jane.

"So how was Canada? I haven't seen you guys in two month now." I smile at the two smirking faces.

"It was good, just cold. And yeah, we've been a bit busy the past two months with studying and all of that. This semester is flying by and exams are also right around the corner." Aiden says in between sips of his Latte.

"Yeah it is crazy how fast this year has gone." I smile.

"So how are things going to work this winter break? Are you going to Australia with Brad or what?" Jane asks.

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