Chapter 14

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"No Elaina, I really meant it when I told him that I'm over him." I sigh. She's been grilling me about everything for the past hour now.

"Then why did you get drunk? We all know you almost ruined your liver over Nick." I can practically feel her rolling her eyes on the other end of the phone.

"No actually I was more upset with Aiden and Jane. I just don't understand why they didn't just tell me the truth?"

"Yeah that was pretty weird." There is brief silence over the phone.

"Okay wait let's start from the beginning." Elaina starts, "So you met Jane at uni first and Aiden eventually saved you and said his in the same university as you. Jane never mentioned Aiden's name when she said she was engaged and when you went to the football match she walked over to him and kissed him and he then told you that Jane was his fiancé." She lists the events in quite a sarcastic manner.

"Yeah and then Jane left when she found out I was the Olivia who he dated and she stormed off and then after I got home, they came over to my place and never mentioned South Africa once... don't you think all of this is weird? And last year when Aiden told me what happened between him and Nick he said that Collin and Jess also knew about Jane and they all acted like they didn't know them when we got back home." I frown.

"So somewhere between the football match and them coming home they must've told Collin and Jess to act like they didn't know Jane?" Elaina concludes. My mind is spinning just thinking about all of this.

"I guess. I think it will be better and be the mature thing to just talk to them you know?" I say and Elaina just sighs.

"Yeah that would be best. But what happened when you woke up this morning?" I run my hand through my hair whilst listening to Elaina's question. She really enjoys gossip. I stretch out the couch and I hang my legs over the arm rest.

"Well I practically woke up to the smell of Starbucks coffee and a huge chocolate chip muffin on my bedside table and when I sat up the door shut and then I was alone again." I glance at the paper bag on the kitchen counter.

"Do you think it was Nick?"

"I don't know." I roll my eyes as I get up to throw the brown paper bag in the bin. My head is still really sore but I don't really have a hangover.

"Well I'm really proud of the fact that you aren't giving in to him because Liv, what he did was really hectic."

"I know." I let out a sigh and I take a seat on the couch again.

"Also do you really think his story about the reason he went to South Africa adds up?" She asks suspiciously. Deep down I have had my doubts about his story but I didn't really want to linger on it.

"You know I can believe the Nanna Rhodes and the cancer part but the other stuff just feels like an excuse to be honest. He knew for a fact that I would've helped him out with all the other stuff and the fact that he just up and left without saying anything just doesn't make sense." I remember back to Saturday night when we spoke for the first time in what feels like forever.

"Yeah and he even started acting weird days before finals and the cheer offs anyways." Elaina adds and I nod.

"I don't know. It's Nick and quite frankly I just don't care anymore." I say emotionlessly and sigh.

"I'm proud of you Liv. You've come a long way." She says and then I hear a loud noise from the phone.

"Is it Olivia on the phone?" I can hear Dylan's voice coming close to the phone and he also tells Elaina to put the phone on speaker.

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