Chapter 33

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"So tomorrow at?" Elaina asks and I stare at the screen with all 3 of the girls on it.

"10." I smile.

"Have you packed and done all of the things you need to do?" Jess speaks up and I smile at the heavily pregnant, soon to be a momma.

"Actually I said I'll take her shopping later today," Jane speaks up.

"You are going to be back before the baby is born right?"

"Yeah, Jess. I will be." I smile at her and she rubs her belly.

"Liv. Are you okay?" Elaina asks.

"Yeah, I just am quite nervous." I give them an assuring smile.

"It's going to be an experience of a lifetime Liv. I don't regret any of the traveling Collin and I did." Jess smiles.

"Yeah, even Canada with Aiden was so much fun," Jane adds.

"Yes, I am excited." I nod.

"Okay, I need to go take a shower. Jane, see you later?" I smile and everyone says their goodbyes and I stare at the black screen. I should probably get out of bed. My cold is so much better, I do still cough but it's getting better.

"So the red or black one?" I hold up the same shorts just in different colors. Jane studies both the shorts and puts her finger on her lips as if she's really thinking hard about this choice.

"Black. It's more versatile." She points to it and then gives me a satisfied look.

"Great." I put the red shorts down and then we continue browsing through the clothes.

"Thank goodness it's summer there and not winter." Jane looks up from one of the racks.

"Amen to that." I roll my eyes.

"So you're not going to stay there until Christmas right?"

"I don't actually know yet. I told Ni-."

"Wait, I thought you haven't spoken to Nick?" 

"I saw him before my last exam. He came to tell me again not to go but I obviously said I am." I shrug. No way am I going to tell her about the kiss. I'm definitely never going to hear the end of it. Besides, I need to sort this out with him first before I say anything.

"And what about when Jess gives birth?" 

"I'll try to make it back in time. I know the timing is a bit bad but I did make a commitment you know." 

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." She grabs her Starbucks cup and I smile.

"It's going to be fine, trust me," I reassure her and we walk to a few other stores.

"So do you think things between Aiden and Nick will ever be good?" She asks.

"No idea. Those two can still barely be in the same room. It's quite crazy actually." I shrug.

"I just wish they would sort things out. I know it's my fault as well. Trust me, I blame myself just as much as Aiden blames himself. They were such good friends for the two years Nick was in South Africa." She looks at the floor. She really does seem sad.

"I can only imagine. I think everything does happen for a reason I suppose. I mean if you and Aiden didn't meet up here again then you wouldn't be engaged you know?" 

"Yeah, that's true." She stares at her engagement ring and runs her finger over it.

"I really am scared to get married but I love him so much." 

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