Chapter 2

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My eye shoot open as I hear the ringing of my phone under my pillow, immediately I have an instant headache and its officially the worst headache ever. Ignoring my surroundings, I hurriedly search for my phone.

"Hello." I look around me. What happened last night? How did I get home?

"Olivia." My moms voice interupts my train of thought.


"I'm at Princeton in an hour. Get showered, get cleaned up and meet me at Starbucks." She firmly says. I roll my eyes and do as I'm told. As I take a shower I try to replay last nights events in my head, I really have no idea what happened but by the sound of it, my mom clearly does. University has been on for two weeks now. I'm here alone, left home, got an apartment right next to university and I still haven't made any friends but I enjoy my classes so far and my lecturers are so kind so I suppose that's a bonus. As I get out of of the shower, I immediately run towards the toilet. Hangovers suck, and being nauseas sucks even more. My mom defintely can't see me like this. I suck it up, down two tablets with water and try to make myself look more lively. Coffee is definitely a need right now.

"Mom." I sit, taking my sunglasses off and giving her short, quick hug. She has a displeasing look on her face and I choose to igore it.

"I ordered you a cuppaccino." She says motioning me to sit down. I look at her and then take my seat. Starbucks is unusually quiet, given its ten in the morning. I look at her in silence as I take a sip of coffee.

"I've given you your space, I've watched you mess up all your relationships with your friends and especially your brother. You came to Princetom alone and you didn't even say goodbye properly, and for what?" She starts and I can't even look her in the eyes. She sounds so strict yet so sad at the same time. We had a huge falling out because I refused to let her in about Nick and I said some really horrible things about her not being in my life and choosing work over us.

"I just can-" I get interupted as she puts her hand on mine.

"What happened between you and Nick Olivia?" She looks at me and she looks hopeless, I can see she's tired off trying with me.

"Mom, if I tell you, you will be so disapointed in me." My eyes turn glossy and she just stares at me.

"I need to know, I need to help you through this because you're quite frankly just a mess and you haven't been acting yourself." I look down and tears roll down my cheek. I can see how disapointed she is in me already.

"I... Nick and I..." I try to find the right words and to find a way to make it sound not so bad.

"We had sex for the first time and he disappeared when I fell asleep." I look at her and she immediately grabs my hand. I look up and she just frowns at me as the tears continue rolling down my cheeks and I can't help it.

"Olivia." She says quietly and I dry my cheeks.

"Mom don't." I say and she just sits there with me in silence.

"Come you're better and stronger than this. Dry your tears, put your big girl pants on and show everyone who is boss." She hands me a tissue and a small smile crosses my face.

"I screwed up everything so badly with Dylan and everyone else. I was so horrible to them mom." My voice cracks and she just looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"They will forgive you Olivia, you just need to talk to them."

"I know mom." I give her a forced smile.

"As for Nick, you deserve ten times better then that and I know you really love him but you need to let it go, you messed up yes, but you need to learn from this and you need to move on Olivia, you're a great girl and you deserve the best." She gives me a warm smile and we continue drinking our coffee.

"Thank you mom. I know I messed up and he honestly did break my heart but I know I deserve better."

"I'm glad you're realizing it. The girl you've been for the past few weeks isn't you. Have you made any friends here?"

"Nope non." I look away.

"Exactly, make some friends. I haven't even seen your apartment or anything. Maybe we should go do some shopping and then I'll drop you off and go home again." I smile and nod. We get up and go do some clothes shopping and as we walk around, I'm still really puzzled over what happened last night, everything is so fuzzy. I'm really glad mom and I sorted things out, it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. As we reach my apartment, I show my mom around and she absolutely loves it.

"You have great taste Liv. I'll let you know when I'm home, please be safe and enjoy studying, remember who you are and come home soon, Stormi misses you and so does everyone else." She kisses my forehead and she gets in her car and I watch as she drives away. My heart breaks a little, I really do miss them. As I reach upstairs again, I immediately text my mom and tell her that I love her, as I lay on my bed I scroll through Instagram and see that Collin and Jess are in Africa, it looks like they are having the best time. As for Dylan and Elaina, they have both started with classes as well and look really happy. I type in Aidens name and he hasn't posted anything in like 5 months and I won't even bother looking up Nick cause he either blocked me or deleted any form of social media. I really do think I deserve better then that. As I continue scrolling a message from Elaina pops up:

Glad you saw your mom.

Is all it says, wow I really did mess up badly with her, this is the first time she's spoken to me since the big fallout. I really do miss my best friend and being so far away sucks. I smile at the message and type back:

Yeah, needed it. Miss you Elaina.

She just reads it and doesn't reply... I really messed up didn't I? I put my phone down, take another much needed nap and then I decided to do some work, even though it's only the beginning of the semester, the lecturers love piling up work.

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