Chapter 27

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"Yeah just put them there. Please Elaina." I point to the presents table and I watch as Elaina walks to the table with the blue and grey helium balloons. I study the restaurant space that we've rented out and I must say we've done a pretty good job. The rustic feel to the restaurant just makes it even better.

"Girl this is looking so good. You should really look into events planning." Elaina says standing next to me. I look at the place and the brown mahogany table and black chairs really ties it together. I hope Jess likes it.

"What time are they coming?" Elaina asks looking at her watch.

"In about an hour." I smile and the waitress brings us each a cappuccino. We thank her and we sit at the decorated table waiting for the guests to arrive.

"I love these little games you printed out." Elaina says pointing at the baby shower games packets with string wrapped around it. I look down and I smile. The little elephants are really cute.

"Thanks." I smile and my lips meet my mug.

"So did Nick tell you what happened in South Africa?" She asks and I sigh.

"No he said he can't tell me at all." I shrug.

"Don't you think that maybe he has a valid reason?" She replies.

"He never keeps anything from me. And the more we try talk the less we getting anywhere." I look at her and she gives me a sympathetic smile, "He's with Kim and I hope he's happy with her in all honesty."

"Ugh please. You're it for him Liv. You'll see. You belong together." She gives me a small smile and I look down remembering the rock throan.

"Yeah I doubt that, besides I'm with Brad." I shrug a bit.

"Yeah. That's true." She winks and we continue with some small talk.

"I hope today goes as planned." I sigh staring at the empty, decorated room.

"Trust me it will. The gender reveal also went according to plan." She squeezes my arm and I give her a small smile. A few people including my mom, Dr Patterson and Dylan arrive and everyone really loves the decorated place. A few minutes later most of the people including Aiden and Jane arrive but no Jess and Collin.

"Mom where is Jess and Collin?" I whisper in her ear as everyone continues making small talk with each other.

"I don't know. They said they were on their way when we left." She takes a sip of champaign. I really am quite worried.

"Liv where are they?" Elaina asks and I shrug. I honestly have no idea.

"I'll phone them." I take my phone out and I have 2 missed calls from Collin. I ring his number and it goes straight to voicemail. I frown and I try Jess's and luckily it rings.

"Liv I'm so so sorry. Collins car doesn't want to start. Can you please come pick us up? She sounds stressed and I can hear Collin muttering something as he tries to start his car. Luckily they're only 20 minutes from the venue.

"Yeah sure. I'm on my way." I look at all the chatting bodies and I smile.

"So they are having some car trouble but I'm gonna go fetch them quickly. Please just be patient." I smile and my eyes go to my mom and she nods as if she read my mind. She continues motioning people to the table and I know she's got this handled.

"Must I come with you?" Elaina walks next to me.

"No stay. I'll be quick." I give her a quick hug and I make my way downstairs to the Jeep. I put my seat belt on and I drive off. I'm probably 10 minutes from their house and the car starts doing something really funny.

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