12: Milk and Cookies

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[AN: A bit late for Christmas. I'll be using the fans' names for the twins and convert one of them into a boy's name: Alexander and Nathaniel (Natasha).

My other ff, 23:59 has ended. Please read that one also. Hoping for your rating and comments. Thanks!]

Two little kids dressed as reindeers doodled on clean sheets of paper which extended to their sofa and on the floor which was littered with crayons. They had serious faces as they drew and wrote their requests to Santa.

Mew watched them fondly while he took pictures.

"Are you done writing?" he asked.

Both of them shook their heads. Mew frowned as he saw the growing list of misspelled toys and other stuff that they want for Christmas.

Alexander's list:


Sucker ball

New sucker shus

Strobelli cheeshcake


Clothes for Chopp3r



Nathaniel's list:

Chocolet cake

Big yunikorn


Cat tawor for Juju





Mew tried hard not to laugh. Children are really pure, but he doesn't want to spoil his kids too much.

"Alex, Nathan, remember what I said? Santa will only give one gift each."

"But I cleaned my room and Juju's cat litter!" Nathan protested.

"I ate all the veggies and gave Chopper a bath!" Alexander said.

"Yep. He rewards kids who are nice, but he wants kids to only pick one gift." Mew explained. This is to teach them restraint and discipline.

Both of them frowned as they looked at their list.

"Really? I thought Santa was rich?" Nathan said.

"Yeah. Even Pa Gulf wrapped 4 presents for me." Alex pointed under their tree which had colorful gifts underneath.

"I shouldn't have emptied the cat litter."

"How do I uneat the veggies?"

They both sighed.

Mew pursed his lips. He had talked about this with Gulf but Gulf insisted that it's Christmas and it's only this time of the year that they can receive this many. However, Gulf had sneakily brought presents – using Mew's card – and wrapped them while Mew was at work, and labelled them as his own gift.

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