10: Ultrasound

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[AN: Apologies for a month of no update on this. Wasn't in the mood to write something funny, but I hope this one would make you smile.

Also, procedures stated here might be wrong, as I am not an expert with ultrasound or preggy check-ups.]

10: Ultrasound

A very round-bellied Gulf entered the clinic followed by Mew who was guiding him by the hip. He helped him climb the bed, placed a little kiss on the exposed belly and sat on the chair beside it.

"Hopefully we can see the baby's gender today." Gulf said.

"Yeah. How many times have we tried?" Mew asked.

"I believe this is your fourth try." The sonographer sighed.

Today is their scheduled ultrasound scan. Almost every month, they have been going to this place, but for certain reasons, the baby won't cooperate. She prepared the equipment and began rubbing gel on Gulf's abdomen. Next, she took out the probe and ran it on his belly. Mew and Gulf watched intently, holding their breaths. She frowned.

"It's been moving around constantly." Gulf said as they looked at the screen. Sometimes he wonders if his little one is throwing a party inside because it always felt busy. They saw again that familiar 3d movement inside his tummy, as well as a head facing the screen.

"Oh! There it is!" Mew pointed excitedly.

The fetus suddenly placed two little hands near its ears and turned away.

"Not again!" the sonographer said.

During their first visits, Mew and Gulf would like to see early who the baby might resemble, yet, each time, it's always facing Gulf's inner stomach and won't show its face even as Gulf try to move around. He tried jumping, dancing, and doing an invisible hula-hoop turn but it remained camera shy.

"I think it hates your voice, Mew." Gulf said.

"I'm a singer, why would it hate my voice?" Mew asked, offended.

"Well every time you talk to my belly, it kicks me!"

"That might be because it's excited to hear his daddy's voice!" Mew said.

"Then explain why it covered its ears and turned back?!"

"Nevermind, let's just try again." The sonographer said, cutting their bickering. She's used to this by now. Their previous session, a small fist covered the face all throughout the examination. "Maybe you could talk to it, Gulf?"

"What would I say?"

"Anything, coo it, persuade it, any baby talk." The sonographer suggested.

Gulf tried to think what he can say. To end their debate, he decided to ask a question.

"Hmmm, daddy Gulf's baby, do you not like daddy Mew talking?" Gulf rubbed the side of his belly while he readjusted his position.

"That's a very stupid question babe. As if the baby would reply with -"

"Oh!" the sonographer pointed.

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