5: Furry Siblings

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[AN: Picture is not related to the chapter

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[AN: Picture is not related to the chapter. But here is Gulf driving for his P'Mew. And Mew judging you.]

5: Furry Siblings

Mew went home from work one day and found Gulf sobbing hysterically on their couch.

The TV was on and he thought he had been watching too much soap operas, but that was not the case. He was watching some nature channel featuring tigers and lions, and Mew couldn't see what's so tear-jerking about it. Thinking that Gulf had hurt himself somewhat, he hurried over to his side.

"Gulf, what happened?"

His first instinct was to check his tummy. But nothing seems wrong about it. It was just as round as when he left. He raised Gulf's bare foot, thinking he had stepped on something, but there were no wounds either.

"I don't know. I'm f-feeling s-sad." He hiccupped, hugging their family cat tightly. Chopper sat beside him, unabashed.

"Why? Did you have a fight with someone?"


"Do you miss your hometown?"

Gulf had expressed before that he wanted to go back home, but Mew decided against it, thinking that the travel would put a heavy load on Gulf. They content themselves on communicating with Gulf's parents over the phone.


"Then, are you hungry?"


"So why are you sad?" Mew asked, bewildered.

"I f-feel bad for Juju... and Ch-chopper."

Mew panicked again and observed their pets. Juju was doing fine if you subtract the fact that Gulf was almost strangling him. Chopper on the other hand was his usual chunky. He even wagged his tail as Mew patted him.

"What happened to them?" Mew asked.

"That's what I'm bothered about. What would happen to them? When I pop out the baby, what if we're so busy and we start to ignore them? And when we ignore them, what if they get depressed. And if they get depressed, what if they - "

"Gulf." Mew stopped his husband from worrying too much. Gulf was being emotional again. "They'll be fine!"

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