3: Important Question

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[AN: Just a reminder: The chapters are not related to each other unless I say so.]

3: Important Question

Gulf had been vomiting for 3 straight days and it greatly worried Mew. They were eating the same food, drinking the same drink and he could not think of what might be wrong with his husband. At a loss, he convinced Gulf to have a check-up and both were surprised with the result.

"Say that again." Mew demanded, his eyes widening.

"I said, congratulations, Gulf is pregnant." The doctor smiled at them.

Gulf covered his wide open mouth with his hands, their wedding ring glinting on his finger. He heard Mew gasp, and they look at each other, both with tears on his eyes.

"I'm... we're going to be parents?" Mew asked just to make sure he heard clearly.

"Yes, Mr. Suppasit. Gulf is two weeks pregnant."

"Baaaaabe!" Gulf's voice quivered with excitement, and held hands with Mew who was looking as though he had won the lottery.

They didn't plan it at all. It was just one of those nth honeymoon nights when they both find each other sexy. They got lost in their own world, that Mew had forgotten to wear his condom. Who would've thought it would result in them producing their own offspring?

Mew pulled Gulf closer and kissed his cheek repeatedly. The doctor didn't mind.

"We will take care of him... or her. We're going to make sure he or she grows up well." Mew assured him.
"Yes. We'll give him everything." Gulf agreed.

"Before you do all of that, I'll have to say that male pregnancies are usually sensitive. Mew, please make sure that Gulf doesn't do any heavy workload like lifting, running, the likes. Gulf, I forbid you to play sports once your baby bump shows. And most especially, you should only eat healthy foods."

"I'll make sure of it, doctor." Mew said, and Gulf knew his husband would stay true to his word.

"I just have a question, doctor." Mew said seriously.

"Ask away." The doctor nodded.

Gulf got nervous. He knows Mew as someone who takes responsibilities seriously. Too serious in fact, to the point that he overworks himself for both of them. What more now that they have a bundle of joy coming up? Knowing him, he would probably sign up for diaper changing classes once they got home. He didn't want Mew to push himself too much. They're both in this parenthood together.

"Whatever it is babe, I'm with you." Gulf told him. He will not leave Mew in this.

Mew smiled at him. "Thank you babe." He whispered.

"So what's the question?" The doctor asked.

"I wanted to ask..."

"If it's ok for us to have sex even if he's pregnant?" he asked with a straight face.

Gulf facepalmed.

Whatever happened to being a responsible parent? Why is he asking about sex?!

"Yes, it's perfectly ok, as long as you won't overdo it. As I've said, no extreme workloads. It won't affect the baby." The doctor said.

"With or without a condom?" Mew continued.

"With or without a condom." the doctor confirmed.

"Will the baby see... it?" Mew narrowed his eyes meaningfully.

"The baby will not see it." the doctor said.

"Even if we do different positions?" He asked, leaning forward.

"Even if you do deep positions." The doctor agreed.

Gulf gaped at them. Here they are celebrating because they're going to have a baby, and Mew is concerned about their possible sex activities.

"Mew..." he tried to contradict him.

"Hear that babe? I'm glad you said you're in this with me. There's no need to hold back." Mew said excitedly.

"Fuck, Mew. This isn't what I meant!"

"Well, that's it doctor! Thanks for the advice. We'll visit again next month." Mew said, not hearing Gulf.

He grabbed Gulf's hand and enthusiastically brought him home, undressed him immediately and started kissing his body.

"Shit Mew! What happened to 'diaper changing' or 'how to hold a baby' classes?" Gulf said, squirming under his lover who can't stop touching him. Mew frowned at him.

"What the heck is that?"

Mew doesn't know. All he knows is sexy time.

Gulf wanted to strangle Mew.

[AN: Gulf has 'what am I gonna do with you' days too. Asking for comments and votes. Thanks for reading!]

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