6: Jongcheveevat Logic

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6: Jongcheveevat Logic

Gulf doesn't know what to do anymore with the Jongcheveevat family.

Right after he and Mew learned that he is pregnant, his husband didn't waste any time and announced it to the whole of his clan. At first Gulf thought this was adorable. Wasn't he the same? He also told his family about his pregnancy, and both of them were given best wishes and congratulatory greetings.

But right now, he was drowning in it. Literally drowning.

A day after Mew's announcement, Gulf flattened himself on the wall as a grand piano made its entrance in their living room. The men who were carrying it placed it carefully near the new, still in plastic nylon couch which was delivered on the same day.

Mama Jongcheveevat paid them and began unpacking several boxes of tissue rolls and other toiletries.

"What are you doing Mew? Remove the plastic on the couch so that Gulf can sit!" she reprimanded her son.

"Mom, what the heck is this? What's this all about?" Mew complained.

"You good-for-nothing son! You don't have foresight!"

Gulf coughed nervously as he also doesn't know what a piano has to do with his pregnancy.

"Babies can have brain development while inside the tummy. You must play the piano every day for Gulf so the baby's mind can relax!" she said.

"Huh? I can just download some piano pieces by Mozart or Beethoven and play it on my phone!" Mew argued.

Mama Jongcheveevat glared and threw the toilet paper at him.

"Is Mozart the daddy of that baby? Do you expect Beethoven to take care of that child?"

"What - "

"You are the father, Mew! You must take responsibility!"

"Mom, it's just music!"

"Just music? JUST?! I won't let my grandkid suffer from mediocre parenting, Mew. If you don't want to do it, then I'll have Gulf live in our house instead, and I'll be the one to take care of him!"

"Mom, I'm actually ok..." Gulf reasoned out but Mama Jongcheveevat gave him a pointed look.

"Gulf. You are now a member of the family. That's my grandkid in your belly. A Jongcheveevat! The piano is the least I can do to make sure that that child's well-being is not under compromised."

Gulf glanced at Mew and just nodded as an act of saying, 'just let her be'.

Mew groaned. "Then what about this new couch?"

"Your old couch is leather. Gulf needs something soft to sit on."

"Mom, our couch is less than a year old."

His mom just glared at him again and he bowed his head to avoid being reprimanded again.

The boxes were opened, one by one, she removed the items from it. The more the husbands looked, the more ridiculous the items that appear.

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