Chapter 6

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I have never experienced a true high school party. I would just hang out with my friends and call that a party. We never did anything crazy like other high schoolers. As Alex and I drive towards the party it was easy to pick out which house was holding it. One house was blasting music and had people all on the lawn. We pulled up to the house and I got some what nervous. I didn't want things to go wrong. Alex led me through the house. He told me about his friend who was holding the party. "It was supposed to be a small party. I guess word got out about the party. Do you want a drink?" asked Alex. "Um..sure." I said. I wasn't sure what there was to drink but I was positive that Alex would find me a drink. I wasn't really interested in alcohol. Especially since I was too young to be drinking. Alex walked away to the kitchen and I tried to act natural. People would walk past me and not even notice me. Other would glare at me from a far. To make it seem like I had something to do I pulled out my phone. I knew that Sarah and Rebecca would want to hear all about the party. As I typed on my phone a girl approached me. She was wearing very tall high heels so she was much taller. She looked down at me with this smirk on her face. She was much prettier than me with her long wavy blonde hair. "Are you Meghan, Meghan Smith?" asked the girl. Her breathThe smelled awful. I guess it was all the alcohol in her system. "Yes that's me. Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Sasha and your dating my boyfriend." said Sasha. I was shocked at what she had said. How could my boyfriend be her boyfriend? "Excuse me?" I asked. Just then Alex walks up behind me resting a hand on my shoulder. "Um...Sasha...this is my girlfriend Meghan." Said Alex. He seemed uncomfortable. "Wow Alex. I'm supposed you picked her. Look at her. She's just a little child! You know she can't give you what you want." said Sasha as she stormed away. Her words hurt. I was used to being made fun of but her words hurt. I walked away when I felt tears in my eyes.


A- "Do you want to talk? Are you alright? I miss you."

It was Sunday night and the last thing I wanted to do was talk to Alex. The party on Friday was terrible. After my encounter with Sasha I felt awful. I left the party and walked all the way home. Alex has been texting me since. He's been apologizing and saying how bad he felt. It was sweet that he was trying to make up with me but I just couldn't text him. Every text made me remember what Sasha had said. Alex seemed like a sweet guy so the fact that he dated someone like her really hurt. I felt like I was a disappointment to Alex. All I did was embarrass him and make him look bad. All of this sadness was eating me up inside. I just couldn't take it. Tomorrow I would have to go to school and there would be that chance of me bumping into Alex. I walked to the bathroom and saw that I was crying. The pain that people put me through sucked. I looked under the sink and saw a razor. I reached for it when my brother knocked on my bedroom door. "Meghan it's time for dinner!" said Shane. I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs for food. The only thing running through my head was how I almost cut myself.

Okay so I haven't updated in a while. My internet went down because people are working on my house. I couldn't et into Wattpad and that made me sad. Now that it's working the first thing I did was work on this chapter for you guys. Thanks for all the reads! -V

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