Chapter 1

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Maya Hart exhales as she looks around how everything had changed for her. Ever since she thought she knew what she wanted she's been doing everything she can to get it. Her father was a stubborn man but she knew she would have gotten it somewhere and she knows as well that she can't do it all.

"Maya, Baby Girl. Can we talk?" Katy asked.

"Of course, Mom. What's going on?" Maya asked looking at her mother.

"I just want to make sure you're okay with everything. I feel like somehow you are more distant this summer than you usually are. Is everything all right with Riley and things?" Katy asked as Maya nodded.

She was distracted this summer to say the least, but she didn't want anyone to realize it. Seeing as Josh nearly got into a lot of trouble for something that she did, she felt like distancing herself was the best thing she could do.  

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to the Matthews then. I'll see you later," Maya said as she was gone.

Climbing through Riley's window she saw as she and Auggie was busy with something while she immediately fell in with their plans. Immediately talking nothing changed for the two girls since the previous day with NYU which Maya was thankful for. Josh entered the room seeing how the blonde girl was busy talking and having fun with his niece and nephew while he smiled. As Maya caught his eyes he showed her to go out of the room as she nodded. As he left the room Maya slowly followed him as they went into the living room.

"Was wondering if I was going to see you this weekend," Josh said as he and Maya sat down on the couch.

"Thought I'll give you some space to cool off. Guessing you're pretty mad at me," Maya said as Josh shook his head.

"Surprisingly I'm not mad. According to everyone I'm supposed to be mad but I'm not. Make me a promise," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"Okay," Maya said.

"Promise me if you really need to talk to me not to go to a place like that again. You could have gotten hurt and... I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing you got hurt," Josh said as Maya nodded.

"I promise," Maya said as Josh pulled her closer for a hug.

"Even if I don't show it, I care. I don't want you getting hurt," Josh said as Maya slowly wrapping her arms around his body.

"I won't. I promise," Maya said as she pulled away looking into Josh's eyes.

"Maya!" she heard Riley calling her as she smiled.

"I better get going," Maya said going down the hall back to her friend.

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