Taehyung X After The Ball✨☕️

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1st person

"Holy FUCK! that shit was boring as hell, how do people just stand there like that?" I laugh at his exaggeration.

Now that everyone has left, I'm completely free to be myself.

I'm done putting on a fake smile for the rest of the night because I don't think Taehyung's rich-ass family would appreciate how fake I was.

His arm is wrapped around my shoulder in a protective fashion and I hold his waist. My dark blue dress scrapes the cobblestone path that leads to the pool. We take small steps and I hold my shoes with my free hand. After all the stress and social anxiety, I finally feel at ease in the summer breeze of the night.

We take a look around to admire the trees that dance in the wind. The bright city lights look like stars from afar.

I turn my head to him and our eyes meet. He was already looking.

His face softens and looks at me with admiration. I blink slowly, totally mesmerized by his beauty. The wind blowing in his face mixed with the light of the night completes his beauty. His brown hair with his green contacts make him look like a prince.

Well he is the Prince of this kingdom after all.

Every time he holds me in his arms the world stops around us. I feel like I'm floating in the weightless clouds when I'm with him. He knows just what to do when I'm feeling unhappy. Sometimes I feel like he knows me better than I know myself.

He always knows what to say and what to do. He knows where to touch me and when to tell me, 'it's okay, I'm here with you.'

I can't lose him.

We get closer to the water and I watch it glisten. I throw my shoes in the grass and move my eyes to watch him take off his suit jacket. He unbuttons his shirt and I freeze. He takes his coat and vest off and leaves his white shirt underneath. His hands grab his pants and he slides them down revealing his black Calvin Klein boxers. After watching him and drooling at the same time, he notices my new attire. What is left of my clothing is a lacy emerald green bralette with black underwear. His eyes slowly travel down my body and the way it's shaped. He has shown me ways to appreciate my body and accept my true self and I am grateful for that as well.

We both stare at each other and slowly smile. I squint my eyes at him trying to calculate his motive but before I could figure it out, he was already on his way but my feet are quicker than his and I run.

We both laugh from the fast chase, I turn around and notice he's getting closer. I fasten my pace and feel the warm blood rush to my cheeks. My heartbeat thumps in my ears.

I fake a right to trick him and it works.

His foot slips and he falls into the water. Out of breath I laugh. When he resurfaces, he crosses his arms.

"That wasn't nice, you should've let me catch you." He hits the water like a child, making it splash in his face which makes him even more upset.

I take a few steps back and then run forward. As soon as I'm in the air I bring my knees to my chest and plug my nose.

I'm consumed by water; all the noise distorted. I swim to the top where Taehyung welcomed me in his arms. I flip my hair back and rub the water off my eyes.

Once my eyes are open I see Taehyung's hair slicked back from being wet and I can't help but comb my fingers through. His hands are tied around my back and I do the same. The sounds of water peaceful. I raise my hand and stroke Taehyung's cheek with my thumb. He leans into my touch. I continue to caress his cheek and I admire him. He moves back and grabs my hand and kisses inside my palm. My heart grows warm and I lean on his chest and we sway in the water.

The silence is quite soothing.

The quietness of the night heals my soul, along with him.

After a few minutes of us just soaking in the moment, literally, I speak.

"Do you think we'll last?" The sudden urge to ask just came out without thinking. I'm not worried about our relationship, no, I trust him with my life, I just wanna know what he thinks, even though I know the answer. I just wanna hear him say it.

"It's been 7 years, sunshine." He raises his eyebrows completely unbothered. Taehyung is probably not surprised I would ask such a question.

"I have no intentions looking for other things when I got everything I need right here."

His face is blank but I know he means it. Sometimes it's hard to tell if he's speaking the truth because of how he shows himself on the outside but I know him by now. He loves me. He cares about me. He needs me, and I need him. I just wanted the reminder.

"I know, I just wanted to hear you say it." An innocent smile appears on my face but quickly vanishes when he pushes me in the water, forcing my head to go underneath. I grab his hands and push myself up.

When I reach the surface I immediately splash him with water which surprises him.

After 10 straight seconds of me drenching him, he shouts, "okay okay stop!! I'm sorry- just, STOP!"

I stop and catch my breathe. He wipes his face and slick his hair back once again. I stare at him amazed by his beauty once again and he smirks.

"You're so easy to distract." A big smile plasters on his face. I frown and look away. "Not uh." 

He holds me from behind and sways me from side to side. "Yes you doooo I know I'm a pretty princess I get it." I roll my eyes.

I change the subject and suggest we float on our backs, holding each other's hand. We watch the stars that shine millions and millions miles away.

We float.

I hear him go under but I keep my eyes on the sky.

Gentle hands touch the back of my thighs and my shoulder blades. Taehyung comes out of the water holding me bridal style.

"Alroght darling, enough of this chit chat." He says in a British accent. "Shall we go inside and make love in my old teenage bedroom?" His eyebrows wiggle and down to his lips lays a smirk.

"We shall." I confirm with a nod and a smile.

"And don't you dare look at that poster I have of Jimin when I'm fucking you." He started climbing out of the water with me still in his arms.

This man is carrying some serious weight right now.

"No promises." I whisper under my breathe where he can't hear me.

" I whisper under my breathe where he can't hear me

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