Jikook & Reader X Do As I Say⛓🍼

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There Will Be
•Jikook Of Course
•Punishment (Nothing Physically Harsh)
•Filthy Filthy Words
•Reader's Request

DM for Requests!!!

I took off my coat after a hard days work; I sigh from exhaustion. I hang it up and turn around and wonder why it was so quiet. I know Jimin and Jeongguk are home- or at least they should be so why is it so quiet? Usually they're screaming over dumb shit or watching a scary movie but I hear nothing.

I pucker my lips in curiosity and walk around the house. I check the kitchen to see if they're eating last nights leftovers but all I saw were dirty dishes left in the sink. Which I asked Jimin to do but apparently that was too much for him.

I heard a 'thump' coming from the bedroom down the hall. My curiosity and suspicion build and I walk down the hallway quietly and see that our shared bedroom door is slightly open and then I heard them.

I heard soft breaths and looked inside.

I saw Jimin on top of Jeongguk (who is shirtless) rubbing his hand up and down Jeongguk's faint abs while his other elbow keeps himself upright. Jeongguk smiled from the feather-like kisses and slides his hands up and down Jimins back. They smiled at each other and whispered so quietly.

It's actually quite, lovely. It's very sweet and pure and cute. I love Jeongguks smile and I hate that I do cause it's definitely a weakness of mine. Of course he's smiling. Look who's on top of him. I would be smiling like an idiot just like him.

But rules are rules.

I stare with a blank face.

But my body is anything but calm.

It's hot.

"You smell so good I couldn't resist." Jimin whispers with a warm genuine smile.

Jeongguk, who still had a smug grin on his face, brought Jimins fingers and traced them on his lips. "And how could I say no to those lips?"

As soon as Jimin leaned down I pushed the door loud enough so they can hear me and they jumped and stared at me.

Gotcha bitch.

"Hey guys... whatcha doin?"

Jimin got off of Jeongguk- "uh hey......how was your day at work?" He awkwardly chuckled.

Jeongguk pulls up the sheets to hide his hard-on which was painfully obvious.

"Oh it wasn't that bad, I was able to get off of work early today." I walked to the side and pressed my back against the wall.

"Y-yeah I noticed that." Jimin laughed awkwardly. Jeongguk kept quiet because that's exactly what he does when he knows he's done something wrong.

Jimin looked at Jeongguk for help but he just stares back at him with a face that says 'I don't know what to do we're already fucked'.

The room went quiet.

"Are you done?" I said, my brow arched in entertainment.

Jeongguk nodded very fast while Jimin brushed off my question with a 'whattaya talkin about'.

Jimin stared at me for a moment then his face cracked and he accepted his fate.

"Okay fine!" He put his hands up in surrender. "But he started it! He wanted to cuddle and started caressing my arm and shit!" Jimin defended.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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