Jimin X Nightmare✨☕️🩸

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Trigger Warning: The topics I have written describing the characters nightmare may be triggering to those who are scared of men, unwanted touch, murder and horror. I figured I should put a warning just in case.

2nd pov



Horror and panic all evolve in your mind as you sleep. Your lips quiver with fear and your skin becomes tacky with sweat. You mumble 'no' in your sleep and furrow your eyebrows.

That man is back.

He returned just like he promised the day he told you.

You try to run.

You try to hide.

Nothing is working.

He will always get you.

No matter how fast you run and no matter how much you hide, he will find you. No one can protect you from him. He's gonna do the same thing to you.

Again and again and again...

On the outside you break out into a sob and your love that lays next to you wakes up from his slumber and becomes on high alert when noticing your state. The monster of a man is so close to reaching you. Your breathe becomes faster with each step he takes towards your helpless body.

You can feel his agonizing touch and cold breathe against your neck. The thought gave you goosebumps.

Your love falls back asleep.

You shake your head and mumble another 'no'.

The monster is almost to you.

You can't run fast enough.

Your heart beats fast and hard.

You try to go faster and faster but you feel his hand grab you.

Your eyes shoot open and you scream. You sit up from your bed and wrap your arms around your sweaty body. Your wide eyes scan the room and you feel his big arms wrap around your shoulders.

Your heart rate starts to decrease and you let out a big sigh and focus on his hands that calm you and your mind.

He lays his head on your shoulder and closes his eyes before he speaks.

"He's not here anymore Y/n." He reminds you. You nod your head and repeat those words to yourself.

"He will never hurt you again." He talks into your shoulder. You feel his full warm lips move against your shoulder and you shudder.

A few moments pass by and Jimin's eyes grow dark and he throws his head back and releases a small giggle.

You smile from hearing the sweet sound and the reasoning behind it.

He continues to rub your back but he leans closer to your ear. His plump lips touch your neck and you feel the goosebumps fill your arms.

The good kind.

He smiles and whispers, "Remember the last moment he was alive honey?" He kisses the spot behind your ear. Something in you switches and your smile turns sinful. Your eyes join his darkness and he drags you to where your laying on top of him. He moves your hair behind your ear and continues to whisper.

"Remember his tears and how scared he was for facing his fate? From facing us?" His voice is like silk and rich honey. He could say anything and it would sound beautiful.

You sweetly hum and enjoy his fingers that play in your hair and the other soothing your back.

"I do." You reply. All the fears and nerves return back to its dark place in your mind and disappear for the night. All that's left was sweet revengeful memories that you made with your love.

Jimin switches positions and both of you lay on your sides. He takes his hand and slips it past your waist and pulls you into his chest.

You're sheltered.

You're protected.

You're safe.

You bury your face into his chest and smell the orange blossom fragrance he wears.

"I will always be here with you, Y/n. You're safe in my arms now, go to sleep my love. I need my Princess well rested for tomorrow."

The comment made your eyebrows furrow. "Huh?" You ask but your eyes remain shut.

"I didn't tell you? Taehyung invited us to his family's ball." He talks into your hair and closes his eyes.

You gasp at the thought of the next day.

Your mind thinks about the people, dresses, makeup, food, music, laughter, alcohol, and dancing with your love in the middle of the ballroom. You imagine his dirty blonde hair fluffy and styled with his best suit on. His eyes sweet and sinful (just the way you like it) looking down at you and falling in love more and more as the moments go on.

Jimin slightly moves and looks at your sleeping face.

He moves his eyes to your eyebrows and they're not furrowed. He takes a gentle fing the and lightly traces them.

He looks at your nose and it's not scrunched up in disgust.

He finally looks at your lips and a warm smile is what he sees. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, wrapped in his arms and he's never felt happier. His warm lips kiss your forehead in protectiveness and he rests his head above yours and joins you with sleep.

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