Jungkook X Last Dance✨

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Bro I hurt my OWN feelings with this one. I've been feeling all lonely and romantic lately so I created this. Also, I don't know if a "last dance" is really a thing but I just randomly thought about it and wanted to write it. If you have requests, COMMENT!!

This is the Jungkook I imagined...you're welcome.

you're welcome

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1st pov

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1st pov

"Congratulations sweetie, we're so proud of you and we hope you two are happy together." My mom pats my shoulder for the last time, tears brim her eyes as she lets her baby flea from the nest and fly on her own.

"Thanks Mom." I say and join her with tears of my own. "Stop crying I'm gonna be okay." We chuckle and wipe our eyes.

"You truly look beautiful my darling that dress is amazing on you." I smile and play with the dress, feeling shy from the compliment.

I'm wearing an emerald green gown that contrasts against my pale skin with glitter that slide on the sides of the dress. Long laced sleeves flow done my arms and the necklace that hangs around my neck holds the promise ring he gave me 2 years ago.

"Well baby we'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Be safe, and don't do anything I would do." She says with a wink as she walks away. I giggle to myself and turn around to see him saying goodbye to his friends.

Some shake his hand and some give him hugs with warm smiles on their faces. When they say their final goodbye and walk out the door, he turns around and we make eye contact.

My breath hitches and I become completely captivated by his existence.

We step closer to each other in the middle of the empty dance floor until his arms wrap around my shoulders and I hold onto his waist with my chin pressed into his chest as I look into his eyes.

He takes slow blinks and studies my features as we embrace each other. He gives a small smile and tilts his head. I hold him tighter.

The DJ in the corner of the room plays "Everybody Loves Somebody" from Dean Martin and the beginning violins make us both smile because this song was playing in the background when we had our first kiss.

The DJ tells us to enjoy our last dance and exits the room leaving just the two of us.

AN: (jUuust the two of us🎶we can make it if we triiiied🎶)

We turn back to each other and sway to the music.

"You look absolutely breathtaking Mrs. Jeon." He smirks from the change of my last name.

I hide my face into his chest, trying to hide the blood the rushed to my cheeks. He pinched my chin with two fingers and forced me to face him.

"Don't hide from me pretty girl I wanna see you." He says genuinely. He leans down and kisses my forehead with such tender. My eyes close and he moves his cheek against my forehead and continues to sway our bodies from side to side. The act shifted an emotion in me that I can't describe. I've never felt more protected and loved in my life and it finally feels like I can breathe and let myself trust in someone with no regrets or anxiety.

I try and hold back tears but the tightness in my throat makes it hard.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you. It's hard not to call you perfect because that's all you have been. Even your flaws are beautiful, Jungkook. I am so infatuated with your existence that it almost hurts. You have helped and protected me ever since we met and I can't thank you enough. I love you so so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I finish with a tear that glides down my cheek.

Jungkook's eyes flood with tears and he chuckles from the pure happiness he's feeling with you in his arms. He holds your face with his hands and says "I love you so much. I can't wait to continue life with you." He says and grabs my face for another sweet kiss.

🎶~Something your kiss just told me~
~My someplace is here~🎶

We break the kiss and he kisses my nose. It ignites a rush of excitement in my soul and I hold him close.

"I'll never let you go." He grips my body closer and lays his head on top of mine. I press my cheek into his chest and take in his scent.

"Never." I agree.

The end of the song inches closer and we dance together, falling in love more and more every second.

🎶~Everybody loves somebody sometimes
And though my dream was overdue
Your love made it well worth waiting
For someone like you~🎶

And we both stand there keeping each other close and never intending of letting go.

This is the start of Mr. & Mrs. Jeon.


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