Chapter 15

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we zoom  the next day where blagoj was looking for the creator the second  was  found at this base with lots of guards defending him while blagoj was looking  for a way to get in 

Harbinger was behind blagoj and said this

Harbinger:you are too slow blagoj

Blagoj:and you are behind me harbinger

Harbinger:where is the creator i wont allow him to harm my family

Blagoj:this factorie was abondened now that fool returned remaking the t dools  and SF dools and androids into weapons i wont allow it 

Harbinger:how are we going to get  inside

Blagoj:through  the entrance lets go

As they jumped destroying the guards and getting inside the factorie they look to see many androids being assembeled by the creator

blagoj:damm we need to stop him

harbinger:wait look over there

as they look to see the creator along with a mysteries t dool being here judging by her look she was carrying an mp40 submachine gun

harbinger:is that mp40 she is on our side

blagoj:she was reprogramed if we disable the control chip

harbinger:she will turn on the creator lets go

as they got off from their hiding place they opened fire on the creator and on mp 40 knocking her down and disabling the mind control chip as more of the creators weapons came online they managed to destroy them all

as harbinger was downloading the data on the final creators location blagoj was fighting that fool in cqc as he knocked him down and executed him with his pistol as mp40 awoke she looked to see blagoj and harbinger

blagoj:are you okay mp40

mp40:im okay thank you for freeing me from that monster

harbinger:no problem i have the data on where the final creator is but to get there we have to destroy one of the sf factories have fallen under his control once we destroy it we can end this war once and for all

blagoj:lets go

as they lefted the factorie was destroyed by the explosives blagoj used ending the second creator now their next mission involved destroying the factories that had fallen under the final creators control one thing is certain this war will end soon

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