Chapter 12

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we zoom in the north of the artic where blagoj along with ak12 and an 94 are assigned on this mission to destroy the SF jupiter cannons

located in the north pole near russia where they are located as before this mission even begun blagoj equiped his ice weapons the ice hunter and several ice grenades along with fire weapons to help with clearing the ice and they were off to their next mission

lets continue we see in one of the hills where blagoj is in his raze snow armor which he found his armor can change depending on the enviroment

as he was looking through his binoculars there were hundreads of sf forces in the area which will make things difficulted

ak12:how many are there blagoj

blagoj:there a lot of them we will have to go with stealth

an94:i agree we cant face this huge number of them in combat your orders

blagoj:equip silencer on  your weapons and follow me

ak12:roger that

as they moved from the hill we zoom in the sf base where many of the guards were take silently down with their stealth as well as getting the data from their computers on where the remaining jupiter cannons are located

as they were exiting the base both ak 12 and an94 left while blagoj stayed behind to plant the explosives as he planted them he was opened fire upon

as he looked to see harbinger being here and both of them begun to fight each other they were evenly matched as the bombs detonated blagoj escaped same with harbinger

as he reached the area where ak12 and an94 are located

ak12:well did you destroy the jupiter cannons

blagoj:the first ones are down we have two more to destroy

an94:you have the data along with facing harbinger

blagoj:yes i have  the data the next jupiter cannons are a few miles located from here lets go

ak12:lead the way blagoj

as they lefted the area for their next location of the jupiter cannons being located not far from here to destroy them all and if possible they will face harbinger

while harbinger meanwhile prepared for his next encounter with blagoj will they fight again

A Soldier from the future RAZE X GIRLS FRONTLINEWhere stories live. Discover now