Chapter 5

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we zoom in the titan tank where blagoj and ar team are discussing on how to steal the aicrafted while also dealing a huge damaged to the enemy forces stationed there 

as blagoj got the map from the base he looked to see there were several guards guarding the aicrafted along with several androids defending the main base

seeing this blagoj proposed he will sneak inside the base while they wait for him to arrive in the jet and destroyed all the targets

m16:that could work but you need to be careful they are the rignleaders you have to watch out

blagoj:what can you tell me about these ring leaders

m4sop2:they are the leader leading their forces while the main one is ai know as elisa

blagoj:what can you tell me about her

m4:not much all i know is she leading the sangviss ferri if you defeat her then they will stop

ar 15:still you should go and steal the aicraft we will create a diversion


we zoom in the airbase where many of the sangviss ferri are being killed by blagoj silently

as he got inside the base he was opened fire upon by two pistols he activated his shield stopping the attack

as he looked to see two girls being armed with pistols or laser weapons

blagoj:and you two are

hunter:im hunter she is alchemist

alchemist:so you are the soldier i presume i wonder how you look without that helmet

blagoj:you wont find out so easily

alchemist:oh i will love even if i have to knock you down

blagoj:thoughts great a yandere just what i needed

hunter:still you are coming with us

blagoj:you wont take me so easily

alchemist:oh we will see boy

as the rose of nightfall begun to play blagoj engaged both of them as he was using his weapons he had at his disposal as they fought blagoj

 was able to knock down hunter easily by destroying her main guns and using his cloaking  device knocked her down from behind

while alchemist was shooting blagoj she was able to knock his helmet down allowing for her to see how handsome he was before he can shoot her she pushed him to the ground and they were in a weird position

alchemist:i guess i seen your face blagoj

blagoj:yea you did so what now

alchemist:this as she kisses him on the lips

with blagoj following soon behind her as they stopped due to the lack of air

alchemist:well you defeated both of us the aicraft is in the hangar thanks a lot blagoj see ya soon as she took hunter with her and they lefted the area

while at the sametime blagoj put on his helmet and went into the hangar  and got in the aicraft

as the took off from the airbase he used its weapons to destroy all of the base to the ground as he lefted the ao ar team were following him with the tank behind

m16:so you got the aicraft

blagoj:yes i managed to get it and defeat two ring leaders

m4:who did you face blagoj

m4 sop2:let me guess alchemist and hunter


ar 15:well mission acomplished

as they returned back to base with emily being suprised of blagoj and ar team destroying two targets this day a lab and an air base as the day was ending blagoj went to his room to sleep and thinking this war isnt over

we zoom in the sangviss ferri main hq where its ring leaders were talking with elisa about blagoj or the soldier as they call him and suprisingly of his

skills in combat they declared him to be  captured at all cost as the meeting ended alchemist thought soon you will be mine blagoj hahahahahaha as she was laughing a yandere laugh

while at the sametime blagoj was getting the sudden chill as he has two yanderes after him

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