Chapter 6

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we zoom the next day in the base where the sound of fighting is heard as we look to see blagoj practising his cqc combat against m16 as before they

even go on another mission blagoj told them they must learn how to use their body as a weapon in order to fight against the enemy when there weapons are either out of ammo or destroyed

when they arrived in the training room blagoj took on m4sop2 m4 and ar 15 in combat they were able to last three minutes against him still they lost against blagoj because he was the best soldier in the raze program

now we see both blagoj and m16 fighting each other in cqc as both of them are evenly matched untill they use their final attack causing smoke to form

as its revealed both of them were down for the first time blagoj got up first and got  his hand for m16 to pick it up as she got up she looked at blagoj smilling at her

m16:why are you smilling blagoj

blagoj:well you beat me and lasted against me even when injured you earn my respect

m16:i didnt know you raze soldiers respect otheres

blagoj:well most of my squadmates worked together and respected each other and we got along well

m16:you still miss them there there we are here for you as the four of them hug him he was felling better

blagoj:im better i also need to tell you i have two yanderes  wanting me to be theirs

m4sop2:who are they

blagoj:one of them is emily the other one you wont like it

m4:who is it

blagoj:its alchemist herself

ar 15:this is not good if both of them are after you you need to make sure you arent captured

blagoj:dont worry i wont

as they were walking across the base blagoj went to his room to change his weapons again he changed the minigun with the flamethrower along with changing his equipment to explosives

as he was called to the commnderes office

as he entered emily was waiting for him he was prepared

emily:good too see you too love

blagoj:what do you want

emily:you of course before she can rush him blagoj was able to knocker her down on the ground as they were in a weird position

emily:what are you waiting for blagoj

blagoj:screw it as they begun to makeout removing their clothes and teasing each other

than came the makeout session the sound of moanings were heard hoever due to the sound proof room they werent heard we zoom as they were relaxing on the bed after their long makeout session

emily:that was fun blagoj

blagoj:who knew you like to be dominated

emily:oh i forgot you may have a harem but only im in charge you got that

blagoj:got that and dont try and scaring me with that knife it wont work

emily:who knew being a tough soldier you are dominating in bed

blagoj:just remember if you attempted to kill me it wont work

emily:no problem dear get some rest next week you are helping 404 squad with their mission to germany in cologne night dear

blagoj:night love

as they went to sleep unknowing that someone was watching blagoj being alchemist and she wanted him now or later as she lefted blagoj was smilling peacefully in his sleep as he knew who was watching him

well better prepare for the next mission next week in germany

A Soldier from the future RAZE X GIRLS FRONTLINEWhere stories live. Discover now