Chapter 13

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we zoom the next day where  blagoj ak12 and an94 are moving towards the next jupiter cannon and they were going to meet with ak47 which was suprised as they reached  the nearby hill they looked to see the next Jupiter cannons being located there

and suprisingly they were more forces being here as he was scounting the base using his binoculars to see they were automatic defences being there along with

lots of sf androids including harbinger being here

ak47:so whats the plan blagoj

blagoj:this is going to be difficulted we will strike at night when their guard is down

ak12:good idea night vision we use

blagoj:yes we use night vision

an 94:they we prepare at nightfall

we zoom later in the night

where most of the guards were being eliminated while blagoj ak 47 were planting explosives on the cannons ak 12 and an 94 stoled  the data they needed as blagoj told ak 47 to leave he encountered alchemist being here

blagoj:you may come out love

alchemist:hello to you dear

as they kissed they were making out as they finished quickly

blagoj:what are you doing here exactly

alchemist:cant i visit you

blagoj:yes you may where is harbinger

alchemist:hes located at the final cannons to the north now lets have some fun

blagoj:oh you wont be walking tommorrow

as they ended in one of the rooms it was that the sounds of moaning and screaming could be heard as we see later blagoj got off from bed and got dressed

alchemist:leaving as usual

blagoj:i know you dont like this love unless we kill the two creators peace can never be achieve

alchemist:actually the final cannons on the monitor might have the location on where the two creators are

blagoj:then once i find the data i will kill those two creators

alchemist:ill miss you love as she kissed him blagoj followed soon they make out a bit and blagoj lefted and told her to contact him if she wants to go out with her smiling and told him she will

as she left the base blagoj and the girls managed to destroy the second cannons the final ones are located further in the north where there is no communication so they are going dark on this final mission

one thing is certain this will be the final battle in the north

we zoom as harbinger was looking through data and found the creators last location he needed only blagoj to help him kill them  and this war will end soon

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