Chapter 3

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A/N- chapter 3!! Probably my favourite chapter to have written so far. Hope you enjoy it :)

Feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Do not let it consume you

QOTD - what's your opinion of Harry Potter?

My AOTD - I'm just as obsessed with HP then I am with 1D and Larry - currently reading the books and I'm loving them.

Always remember you are beautiful inside and out.
Always remember you are loved.
Always remember I am here for you if no one else is and you can talk to me.

*Don't forget to check out my Instagram and TikTok accounts both larry_stole.myheart28*
As Louis and Niall enter the lobby of the building, Louis gazed around in awe.
The interior was just as grand and elegant as the exterior had been, although this room gave a Victorian era feel.
The whole room was 25ft high, the ceiling was decorated with ornamented plaster in shaped of roses, leafs and swirls; these accented features was coated with a light golden shimmer that sparkled when the grand chandeliers lights danced along the walls and ceiling.
The walls was painted a deep blood red colour, one of the four walls was covered floor to ceiling with a red and gold tapestry. Modern art pieces scattered all over the walls, no matter where you looked there was artwork somewhere, Louis recognised a few from Zayn's 'art cave' as he called it which was a loft space the other side of London. The wall opposite to the tapestry had a grand fireplace that the flames inside were flickering, lighting up the whole other part of the lobby, stood either side of the fire place were broad rustic oak book shelves which reached up to the ceiling. I wonder how people get books off the top shelf Louis thought to himself.

The floor was made up of 3ft by 3ft square tiles in a checkered pattern of an eggshell white and the same blood red colour that covers the walls, the tiles were so clean and shiny you could see your own reflection in them as clear as a summer day. Along the floor were several armchairs and love seats which were all complimented with a glass coffee table, each a different shape and size to the last and they were all spread out throughout this grand room. Placed under the coffee tables were rugs, again giving a Victorian feeling about them.

Louis felt as though he had taken a step back in time, and suddenly he felt very small and very undressed.
Niall seemed to have noticed Louis silence and turned to look at him, almost like he was checking Louis hadn't ran off.
"Like what you see Lou?" He smirked as he said it.
"What are you on about? Are you seeing what I'm seeing, of course I like it, it'd bloody amazing" Louis said still in amazement at where he currently was, his voice giving a slight echo through the room, bouncing off each wall and the sound being carried around the space.
"Come on mate, the elevators over here" Niall grabbed him by his wrist and dragging them both over to where the lifts were, and of course Niall being Niall had pushed all the buttons rather than just one.

The silver doors slid open one the elevator had come to a stop and they stepped inside, pushing the button for the penthouse.
"Everyone should already be here by now hopefully"
"Niall... how many people is everyone?" Louis asked
"Ermmmm, be the honest Lou, I haven't got a clue" Niall laughed out
Niall literally laughing while I'm here sweating buckets, maybe I'll loose some weight with all this sweating... NO! NO Louis shut up you are trying to be positive for a change.
He was snapped out of his thoughts but as the doors slid open, a voice from above and a fancy intercom lady announced 'you have arrived at the Payne Penthouse'
How posh can you get? Louis chuckled at the thought of having his own intercom, let's say, he definitely would not have it say something posh and elegant like that.

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