Chapter 8

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A/N - here's chapter 8, I know I say this each chapter that I'm exploring their vulnerabilities but we have Harry talking about his struggles too in this chapter. Yes this is a happy story with an adventure revolving around two guys who meet at a party and their love blossoms over time but I also wanted to include real life problems like losing a family member, struggling with body positivity and other mental health problems that thrive in today's society.

You will be someone's best thing

QOTD - if you could identify with one fictional character who would it be? (Book, movie, tv show)

My AOTD - I think I'm most like Stiles Stilinski, I'm pale and sarcastic that is literally my only defence, but I've also had it hard and because I'm an open person and I'm mostly a happy person I can hide what I'm feeling and if it's something sad just give a sarcastic joke and no one notices unless they know me well.

Always remember you are beautiful inside and out.
Always remember you are loved.
Always remember I am here for you if no one else is and you can talk to me.

*Don't forget to check out my Instagram and TikTok accounts both larry_stole.myheart28*

*Mention of Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), slight mention of self harm, mention of body image struggles*

Once they knew they were further enough away from the guards they slowed down and came to a stop, leaning again a nearby brick wall to regain their breath. Louis spotted a small blue container shaped like the letter L that Harry was removing from his coat pocket before taking a breath of the substance.

"I didn't know you had asthma?" Louis asked with concern laced in his voice

"Huh? Oh yeah, had it since I was a kid"

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have stopped running ages ago... Harry we've been running for a couple of minutes"

"Louis stop worrying, honestly it isn't that bad anymore it's only happens occasionally like now running hard for a short period of time" Louis looked at Harry in utter disbelief.

Louis' younger sister Fizzy short for Félicité had asthma and she used to be in and out of hospital with having severe attacks. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes Louis stop pestering, you sound like my mother"

"She must be a smart woman then"

"Blowing your own trumpet there aren't you"

Chuckling under his breath Louis leaned his head back and rested it against the brick wall behind them, looking up at the starry sky, puffs of breath coming out of his mouth like fog as he laughed slightly. His hands buried deep inside of his pockets to keep them warm.
Louis couldn't remember the last time he had actually had fun like this, he didn't know how to thank Harry for this. The clumsy lad had stumbled, no pun intended, into his life at the right time.

Suddenly a whiff of fresh food fluttered into his nose as he took a deep breath, his stomach lurching again with hunger. Moving his head back down and in the direction of the delicious scent he spotted a takeaway not too far away.
Making a hmmph sound Harry looked in the direction Louis was moving towards.
"Oh thank god food, I feel like I'm about to die of starvation"
"Jesus you sound like Niall" Louis laughed at a memory of his Irish friend.

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