Chapter 9

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A/N - Here's chapter 9, they're on the move. Going to Brighton to spend the rest of the year.  I know that the trip from London to Brighton is probably over an hour and half but this is my story and I can make the journey less, so it'll take them 30 minutes instead.

Ignore people who think they know more about than you do

QOTD - After COVID what's the first thing that you're doing?

My AOTD - I'm seeing my friends and going out, this boy that I've been friends for years with we were hanging out before COVID and well I want to see where it goes :)

Always remember you are beautiful inside and out.
Always remember you are loved.
Always remember I am here for you if no one else is and you can talk to me.

*Don't forget to check out my Instagram and TikTok accounts both larry_stole.myheart28*
As they approached the underground station Harry's question kept booming through Louis mind you don't blame yourself for you sisters death do you?
The words replayed over and over again circulating his brain, the reason Louis didn't response is because... he didn't even know the answer. He couldn't give Harry an answer to his question because Louis wasn't sure of his answer at all. Louis was having an internal debate inside his mind on whether or not he did actually blame himself, without even realising they were walking down the steps and further into the underground.

In a way no he doesn't blame himself because it was a freak accident, it was 29th November and it was icier that year than it had ever been and the car lost control on the ice and unfortunately she had stepped into the road just at that very moment.

However, in other ways yes Louis blamed himself for her death because if he hadn't been laughing at her wild dance movements and her jokes she was throwing left, right and centre he would have noticed the car coming down the road at an increased speed, and as soon as the accelerated car tyres hit the layer of ice it began spinning rapidly in Lottie's direction and before either of them could react she was gone.

He remembers standing there in utter shock before bystanders on the pavement started shouting for an ambulance snapped him out of his daze, he knew an ambulance wouldn't help... she wasn't moving. A lovely older lady with short silver curly hair and a black trench coat came over to him and rested her hands on his drained face, it was like something had come at that moment and sucked the life right out of him. He couldn't hear anything, it felt as though he was underwater, he saw the woman's lips moving but it all sounded like rushing water.
Before long he started to hear heart wrenching screams and it didn't take him much longer after that to realise it was his own screams of heartbreak and grief, collapsing to his knees with a painful thud on the pavement below him he gasped for breath as he sobbed out for his sister, who's body was laying in the middle of road. The shell of her right in front of him, however, his sisters soul had already gone, leaving for a better place. During all this the lady with silver hair, a black trench coat and soft lavender perfume held him in her arms as they sat on the path.

Louis jumped out of his memory at the weight of a pair of hands resting on his shoulders, Harry looking at him with the bright emerald eyes drowning in concern and curiosity.
"Louis? What's wrong?" His concern for him outweighed his desire to know what was happening inside the smaller mans head.
"Sorry Harry, was thinking of Lottie" At these words Harry understood, he realised it was probably his nosiness by asking that question you don't blame yourself for you sisters death do you? Harry mentally slapped the side of his head, how could he be so stupid asking a question like that?

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