Chapter 4

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A/N - Chapter 4, please let me know what you think. It gets to the point where I, writing and don't even noticed the time and then I look up at its 1am oopsie... anyway I hope you have all had a good day wherever you are in world.
Where are you all from?

You have to stop searching for why, at some point you have to leave it alone

QOTD - What are you hoping 2021 brings?

My AOTD - I'm hoping for this pandemic to be over with, I want to get my life back to normal. I want my friends and family to be safe and healthy.

Always remember you are beautiful inside and out.
Always remember you are loved.
Always remember I am here for you if no one else is and you can talk to me.

*Don't forget to check out my Instagram and TikTok accounts both larry_stole.myheart28*
It was currently 9pm and the evening was going great, if you exclude the part where Louis knocked a very dashingly handsome mans drink all over the pair of them. Thankfully they were both wearing shirts which soon dried off in the warm air in the penthouse. They were stood by one of the windows which was a pane of glass around 20ft overlooking London in all it's glory.
"So, Niall tells me you've just moved to London, where were you before?" Louis asks while looking up at Harry waiting for an answer.
"Well I've been living in Cheshire with my mother and step-father for the passed 3 months, before that I lived in New York with sister but..." Harry then trailed off making Louis even more curious.
"But?" Louis added with a small smirk after he see Harry get flushed at the memory.
"Well I got deported" Harry answered quickly, Louis gasped.
"You got deported?" Louis started to laugh at this and soon enough he was using Harry as support so he didn't fall to the ground and start rolling around.
"I'm... sorry... ho- how on ear-earth did you get de-depor- deported?" Louis struggled to form a sentence with how much he was laughing, soon enough Harry was laughing along with the smaller boy.
"Well it's a funny story really... Basically, I got dared by one of my friends to run through Wall Street naked, and well... I happened to bump into the president which was rather unfortunate but when I say I bumped into him, I mean I knocked him over and fell right on top of him, oh no Lou that isn't even the worse part... my dick was resting in his hand the whole time." That was it for Louis, tears were streaming down his face and he was taking short gasps of air but he was laughing to hard. He managed to plop onto the floor and lean again the glass.
"Of course I was arrested immediately and long story short, I'm not allowed in America for the next 3 years while the president is still in office." Harry had then noticed that Louis was now resting against the window on the floor holding his rips, still gasping for air. The taller lad chuckled and sat next to him watching the sides his eyes crinkle and his nose scrunching up while laughing hard. He looked at Louis' rosey cheeks with tears of laughter cascading down them. He thought Louis looked absolutely breath-taking under the evening moonlight, the way his eyes sparkled with amusement. He also thought he looked even more perfect when he raised his miniature hand and placed it on his chest to calm his breathing. Harry was just taken away by this small human in front of him. Of course Louis didn't notice the fond look the curly haired boy way currently giving him. Nor that the same boy was thinking he was really cute and tiny, but that wasn't something Louis needed to find out.

Once Louis had calmed himself down he glanced over at Harry and smiled, a full smile with teeth on show, a rare smile, for Louis anyway and he couldn't remember the last time he gave one out, or the last time he had laughed so hard. Harry slowly blinked and returned the gesture before opening his mouth once again.
"Yea... so, here I am, I met Liam sometime earlier this year in New York and we kept in contact. He just so happened to have called me about 3 weeks to check on how I was and if I had plans for New Year's Eve, whether I was still in New York and after I told him the story he said that I should totally move down the London rather than hide away in Cheshire."
Harry turned to face out of the window and Louis did the same.

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