Their powers are gone

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Back at the underground lair, Sherflames turned back into her normal form, she used her levitation powers to bring in Malikai's grandpas, grandmas and auntie in stone, along with Rahzar and his two children*

Rahzar: Unstone my wife!

Riku- Mommy!

Christopher- Mama!

Sherflames: Trigon, I captured the weaselings auntie, grandmas and grandpas.

Trigon- So, I see.

Sherflames: The time to take everyone's powers have come boss.

Trigon- And, so I see.

His eyes started to glow red before the statues hearts started glowing multicolored amd their magic is being consumed.

The next morning*

Smarty was feeling sleepy*

Smarty wakes himself up with his coffee before the Toon Patrol and the Alicorns and their husbands came.

Psycho: It was really a long night.

Celestia- Hello and good morning everyone.

Luna- How did you all sleep?

Smarty- Horrible.

Psycho: We still couldn't find Savy.

Celestia- We notice.

Luna- You know.... We have something interesting to show you.

Wheezy: What is it?

Celestia- We have this history about our parents. Along with our friend Novo's mother .

They showed them the book*

Celestia gently sets it down.

Celestia- This is the origin story based on us amd our parents

They opened the page*

Celestia- Here are two separate families: The Days and Nights. Now, these are our parents.

Luna- Yep. ( Chuckles ) I definitely take after my father.

Celestia- Their names were Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos

Toaster: What happened to them?

Celestia- Well , first.... We were only 5 and 10 back then. And , one day there was a wat between alicorns and evil centaurs like Tirek. Our parents left us and Novo together as their good friend and hippogriff queen , Queen Clora Fly.

Blanky: Whoa.

Luna- The war was merciless. It took down all the alicorns , drained their magic , and killed them one by one... Including our parents.

Psycho: Oh no.

Slimy: How awful....

Celestia- Yes. After that , Novo accused us of even letting Clora go into war . But , we were children then. It was easy to forgive her as she grieved for her mother's death. And , so did we.

Luna- It's not your fault. That was 10, 000 years ago.

Celestia- What Smart Guy felt was pretty understandable.

Greasy: Oh....

Smarty looks down , feeling guilty at bursting at his friends last night.

Malikai bust the door down panting worried*

Smarty- Malikai ! Weaselings!

Malikai and the Weaselings flood in and rush to the heroes.

Malikai: Smarty. *gasp pant* Arceus's powers are gone! Along with the other pokemon's powers!

Tigs: Not just that, but our powers are gone too!

Smarty- Oh no!

Malikai: Me and Arabella tied to fuse, but her it didn't work! She can only do sparkle power.

Arabella- (Sobs) Sparkle...Sparkle...Sparkle!

Ludel: Nightmare Luna's powers are gone, but it couldn't be Tirek.

Pentol: We got a call from Alastor and his powers are gone too!

Alastor, IMP, and Angel appeared.

Alastor- That is right.

Psycho: What?!

Mew is worried, he tries to use his powers but nothing happened*

Mew is shocked: Mew?!

Smarty turned red and looks like he was about to lose it.

Celestia is worried, she and Luna to use her powers but it didn't work*

Luna: What's going on?!

Then there was rumbling on the ground*

Smarty- What the hell?

Jake: Is it an Earthquake?!

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