Evil leaves Savy

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Back with Savy and the others*

Stan couldn't stand the music he's hearing*

Scout- What's that music coming from ?

Savy woke up: Huh?

Evil: Grrr, it's coming from there.

Terk: Whatever it is I like it!

Everyone follows the music until it gets louder and louder by a minute and Savy unveils the bushes and reveals a huge party of small lemurs.

Scout- You gotta be kidding me. Lemurs?

Savy: Wow, this is amazing!

King Julien: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! Ya like to?!

Crowd- Move it!

King Julien: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! Ya like to!?

Crowd- Move it!

Tantor: Whoa, that's alot of them.

Lemur came in worried: The foosa! The foosa are coming!

Scout- Wait... Foosas? What are they?

The lemurs run around hiding, four Foosas surround little Mort*

Savy: Oh no!

Flick- What are we gonna do ?

Savy is angry, she went up to them*

Savy: Hey, that's not nice to pick on a little guy!

Evil: Ugh, Savy, you're doing it wrong!

Scout- Well, what do you do then? They look like half weasel, cat things!

Evil: Now listen you four, let go of the little guy of else.

The Foosas laughed, Savy secretly got Mort*

Evil: Okay, you ask for it. *did a monstrous face*

The foosas shrieked with terror and quickly fled from the party clearing

Evil: Yeah you better run!

Savy holds Mort: Are you okay little guy?

Mort- Mm hmm.

Savy: You poor thing. Who wants some tickles? *as she ticked him*

Mort smiles and chuckles cutely.

Flick- Aww !

Terk: He is pretty cute.

The lemurs watched them*

Maurice- Hmm. It seems like those toons are friendly.

Julien: They are, com'on everyone, let's go meet them!

Everyone comes out , startling the toon gang.

Scout- Well whaddya know? It's a full house.

Tantor: Oh my!

Maurice blew the horn*

Maurice- May I present to you ruler of the lemurs , King Julien .

King Julien appears*

Terk: He looks cool.

Evil rolled her eyes*

Scout- I see.

King Julien: I want to thank you for saving us from the Foosa.

Scout- Eh, it was no big deal. No one should be treated like that in my opinion.

Flick- Um, that's all of our opinions.

Tantor: Yep.

Julien: We like to sing for you for the celebration.

Evil face drops: Alright that's it! I'm out! *as she walks away*

Savy: Evil wait! Where are you going!?

The gang notice and take off after them.

Scout- Hey, wait for us!

Savy: Evil you can't just leave?!

Evil: I hate singing, I'm really evil! I hate music too and kindness!

Savy is upset: That's it! I'm tired of your attitude Evil, I know you are my evil side, but you are afraid of Trigon is that it?! Well let me tell you this! You're a selfish being and a total coward!

Terk- Oooh!

Flick- Yikes.

Evil's face dropped: I am no coward! You know what! Fine! Go find Mighty Eagle with your new friends without me! Goodbye Savy! *as she flew away*

Savy was sad, Stan pats her back*

Flick- Come on, let's go back to camp.

Savy nodded before they started walking away.

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