Evil meets Smarty

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The 5th day soon...

Smarty and the gang look around the forest.

Tops is singing a song*

Radio- Hang on... I'm getting a signal! I'm getting a signal!

Malikai: Radio keep it down.

Evil is flying: Stupid girl. Miss "I love everything" Blegh, I hate kindness!

Evil heard something, she looks to see Smarty and the others*

Smarty- Hey! You!

Evil looks: Eep! *as she teleports*

Tigs: What is it?

Renamon quickly jumps real high and grabs her before putting a purple band on her to prevent her from escaping before she safely lands down.

Evil turns into her shadow form and escapes*

Ludel: What was that Renamon?

Evil's hands shapeshift into Savy and Drake to make Smarty's heart broken*

Evil in Savy's voice: Drake, I'm sorry I didn't know I love you so much, I can't believe I spend my whole life with Smarty. *in Drakes voice* It's about time my babe. Kiss me. *kisses her*

Smarty- What ?

Renamon- It's a trick.

Malikai sees the shadow of Savy and Drake kissing*

Malikai: Oh no... we're too late...

Renamon- No. It's not.

Everyone looks at her before she looks at them.

Renamon- She's fooling you all. She's playing mind games with you.

Evil: Drat... *as she hides*

A creature watches them*

Renamon- I told you she was trying to trick you.

The creature crept up behind Smarty*

Evil noticed*

It was a golden horse siren.

Evil growls, she tackles the golden horse siren*

Smarty- What the ?

Everyone looks and sees Evil attacking the siren.

Evil threw the siren far away: Yeah don't come back bitch!

Ludel: Who are you?

Blitzo: You're not Savy.

Evil: Oh now you care for that slut.

Smarty- Don't you dare call her that!

Tigs- Yeah, that would make you a slut too, genius. Since you're part of her.

Malikai gasps: Evil? Is it you?

Evil looks at him: Yeah?

Malikai: It is you! I created you!

Evil is shocked: What?

Smarty- You what ?! Why did you do that ?!

Tigs- Yeah.... It was when we hated you long ago. And , we forgot to destroy her , but we all forgot about it.

Hayami approaches her.

Hayami- That means Savy can't be that far.

Renamon- But, my question is that why you save Smart Guy ?

Evil: I don't know. I've been trapped in Savy's heart for so long. And I kinda offically broke her heart for doing this. *transforms into Smart guy* I hate you Savy, I can't believe you cheated on me all these years! I don't want to see you ever again!

Smarty- You bitch!

Blitzo- That's what I was gonna say!

Malikai: She have bad attitudes. And hates music.

Blitzo- (Sarcastically) How charming, Malikai. You created a bitchy, low wad, inferior bitch. With a snotty attitude problem and a bipolar disorder which exolains her attitude.

Malikai: Hey it was during the garthim war years ago, my potion power who made her went in Savy's heart to create her.

Blitzo- (Sassily) Oh, I'm sorry. You wanna cookie for that?

Evil: Eh, who gives a fuck. *as she heard Savy's voice in her head*

Savy's voice: You're a selfish being and a total coward!

Evil: Grrrrr! I'm not a coward Savy!

Smarty- Um. You kinda are.

Everyone in the group nodded and said yes or agreed.

Evil was sad: Oh who am I kidding! Savy's right, I am selfish and a coward!

Everyone froze , taken aback.

Blitzo- Yep. I was right. She does have a bipolar disorder.

Smarty- I still don't get it. If you really are evil, how come you saved me? I mean, you could've let me get eaten by the monster.

Evil: I have Savy's love of you in me.

Smarty- I see.

Evil: I just want to be a toon human like Savy, I'm tired of being in this shadow form.

Smarty- Well, why didn't you say so?

Tigs- We can easily do thst.

Malikai: No time for that, have you seen Savy?

Evil: Oh she and her friends are going to see Mighty eagle.

Jason: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Mighty Eagle?! "The" Mighty Eagle!?

Crystal- (Sassily) Duh! Did she stutter

Jason fangirls: He's MY IDOL!

Everyone deadpans.

Renamon- Oh, brother.

Tigs- Bro imagine if Tatyana is right here watching you do that.

Jason: I want to be just like Mighty Eagle, that's why I work out alot.

Malikai: Evil, do you know where Mighty Eagle is?

Evil points at Eagle mountain*

Sky Star- ( Excitedly ) Ooh ! Yay ! Another flight ride !

Tigs: Oh boy, it's a big climb.

Twilight- It's no big deal. Sky Star, the Ancestrals, and I can go up there easily.

Alastor- How about I teleport us there? That's an easier and quick way. Don't you think?

Malikai looks: Um, we prefer flying thank you.

Evil: Yeah I would like that.

They went off*

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