Smarty apologizes

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Smarty sighs and sees Renamon on a high tree branch keeping guard. Smarty looks away and spots his gang around the fire.

He was feeling really ashamed of how he lashed out at them. So, he plucks up courage and walks over.

Psycho is sad*

Crystal was sleeping in Wheezy's arms.

Crystal- Mmm...

Stupid sees Smarty: Hey boss.

Smarty- Hey guys... How you doin' ?

Greasy: We're doing good.

Smarty sits next to him.

Smarty- Listen. About three days ago... I'm really sorry about how I acted. I didn't mean to go all ballistic on you like that. That wasn't cool. You guys really did try to help. I never really meant to hurt your feelings. I was just really worried about Savy. I just had it up to here about her being kidnapped or missing... Can you ever forgive me, guys?

Psycho smiles: We forgive you.

Stupid: We're sorry too.

Smarty smiles at them.

Smarty- Thanks , guys.

The toon patrol hugged*

Smarty smiles and hugs them back.

???- Aww!

Everyone looks and sees Autumn cute out by the moment.

Psycho smiles: Hi there.

Smarty- Ey , Autumn Blaze.

Autumn- Sorry , if I disturbed your peace but I can't resist a warm moment like this !

Stupid: Aww! Hug time! *as he hugs Autumn*

Autumn- (Smiles) Aww!

Autumn giggles.

Back in the cells, Rahzar cuddles his children.

Riku- Daddy when can we see our mommy again ?

Rahzar hugs him: Let's just pray.

Christopher- (Tears up) I miss Mama.

Rahzar: Me too.

??- Rahzar? Kids?

They look*

In front of them, they see the ice blue glowing Hayami.

In front of them in the cell.

Rahzar: Honey.

Riku- Mommy ?

Hayami- (Smiles) Yes. It's me.

Rahzar holds her hand: How did you?

Hayami- It's my soul. I escaped my body with Twilight and the others.

Rahzar: Good, have you found Savy yet?

Hayami- Not yet , but we're almost there.

Christopher and Riku hug her.

Christopher- Mommy , when can we see tou again ? I missed you .

Hayami- I missed you too. But, don't worry. Once me amd the others have enough strength , we'll come back amd frees our bodies. Alright?

Riku- Okay, Mommy.

Hayami smiles and kisses her children's heads before she looks at Rahzar.

Rahzar: Be safe my love.

Hayami smiles and kisses him. And , he didn't hesitate to kiss her back. They pulled away after their vehement kiss.

Hayami- I promise. When I free my body , I'll free you.

Hayami leaves*

Rahzar hugs his children*

Riku- I can't wait to see Mommy again.

Rahzar: Me too.

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