Trigon's defeat

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Trigon points his staff at them: How sick is this scene. But enough of this. Goodbye...


Everyone looked to see SkekSo with his counterpart with wings*


SkekSil: Emperor?!

Jason: SkekSo!

Malikai: He's back!

Smarty- Not just him! Look!

They looked*

Everyone looks above the clouds and sees a silhouetted creature who gives out a mighty griff call.

Novo gasped*

Then, water surrounds the stormnado and obliterates it into blue and purple sparkling dust.

Ludel: Whoa!

Evil: What's that?

Everyone looks as the silhouettes creature charges and reveals herself to be the mighty old griff empress Clora Fly who screeches fiercely.

Rocky: Whoa!

Pentol: No way!

Clora charges and headbutts Trigon, making him fall back with such force before Clora flies back to get another round.

Celestia and Luna looks to see the souls of their parents*

But no one else saw them yet. But, they did see a dark bluish-purplish black beam shoot down and strike Trigon.

Ludel: What was that?!

Killer Croc: No idea!

Trigon moans in pain before , the darkness comes back together...

Celestia- It can't be...

Luna- Father?

The darkness takes a shape of an alicorn and reveals himself as the mighty King Cosmos.

SkekUng: Whoa.

Tina: Holy cow!

Then a purple, yellow, and white ray shoots down at Trigon, and weakens him to his small immobilized form.

Tigs: Wow!

His staff was thrown to the window*

Smarty, Blitzo, Mighty Eagle, Evil, Angel Dust, and Malikai were fired from the cannon and made it to the castle*

Savy: Smarty! Evil!

Mighty Eagle!

Eagle- Hello, my dear!

Clora screeches amd retrieves the staff before flying inside and landing down in front of the Weaselings , Smart Guy , amd the others.

Evil hugs Savy: Savy, I'm sorry, you were right I am a coward and I shouldn't run off like that and-

The staff made another storm blowing Clora, SkekSo and the two away, the staff was flown to the window*

Angel Dust: It's not over yet!

Blitzo: What do we do?!

Savy has courage: I'll get it, but I need you guys to do a toon ladder!

Hayami- You guys, go! I have to help Twilight and the other ancestors get to their bodies

Savy: Okay!

Savy and the others did the Toon ladder*

Trigon gets up angry: Oh no you don't! *as he tries to get to the staff*

Savy tries to reach for the staff*

Smarty- Savy, wait!

In the cellar room, Hayami amd the others sigh in relief and made it to their.

Twilight- Well here we are.

Hayami- You guys enter your bodies. I have to make sure my family is okay!

The storm is getting worse*

Savy grabs the staff but she and Trigon are being pulled away by the storm*


Everyone was shocked*

Melody was sad: Mommy....

Malikai was shocked*

Everyone becomes sad as Smarty started to cry tears until the clouds were destroyed and they see a beautiful sunset with a bright golden ray from the sun.

Luna: Huh?

Grub: What's that?

Then they see a bright white light sparkling down to them in front of the balcony.

Tigs: Ooh.

Tops: What's that?

Purple: I'm not sure.

Then the light dies down amd reveals the gorgeous Galaxia herself.

Savy was in her hold still holding the staff*

Smarty- Savy!

Smarry rushes over and hugs her before the Toon Patrol can.

Evil: Whoa! Who's that?

Smarty- The Goddess of the galaxy herself... Galaxia.

Blitzo: Whoa.

Then King Cosmos and Clora appear by her side, looking proud and mighty.

Mighty Eagle, Evil, Angel Dust and Blitzo joined in the hug*

Sherflames watched this, she was sad*

Trigon climbs on the balcony, Sherflames saw him, he holds an orb that will turn them to stone, Sherflames jumped over them*

Sherflames: Noooooo! *as she was turned into stone along with Trigon*

Trigon's statue body fell and broke into pieces, Savy used the staff to save Sherflames*

Crystal- Wow... That's... She... She saved us !

Savy smiles: She really did. *as she used the staff to free her from the stone*

Sherflames was panting*

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