Friends to the end

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At the castle of the crystal*

Trevor, Barry, Bletch, and the monkeys arrived*

Malikai packs up: You guys have to protect our Pokemon and the the others.

Sparx- No way! I'm not skipping out on some action!

Otto- Neither am I ! We don't protect the universe for nothing!

SkekSil: I'm coming too to find Savy.

SkekSav: Dad, who will be in charge while you're away.

SkekSil: Your uncle SkekVar will take over.

Tempest- You'll be okay.

SkekVar: I won't fail you.

Tina: I wish there is someone with Powers can help us.

Malikai: ....Actually there is.

Arabella- Who?

Malikai went to the shelves and got the dark book*

Malikai: I forgot to mention that you have a cousin sibs.

Arabella- No way!

Axelle- Cool.

Malikai opened the book, s dark weasel with purple and red hair came out with Nigel the bird came out*

Dark Shadow king yawns: Ugh, it's been so long cousin, any evil deeds you want from me?

Rouge- Nope.

Malikai pets Nigel: It's good to see you Nigel.

Dark Shadow King: *sees Rocky, Tina, Axelle and Arabella* Who are they cousin?

Arabella- Ooh ! So that's what you look like ! That appearance totally suits you ! I'm Arabella ! You're youngest cousin !

Dark Shadow King: I have another cousin?

Tina: Yep.

Malikai: Look Cousin, we need your help, Savy left Toon town and Trigon is taking over Toon town, you're the only one with powers to help us find Savy.

Fangg: Except us, why don't we kick Trigon's butt?

Jason: Heck no, did you hear what he can do?

Malikai: We're not fighting Trigon, we have to find Savy.

Flitter: Awwww....

The weaselings hugged their wives and kids*

Overlord: You won't find Savy you know....

Fifi- Quit thinking negative.

Arabella- I know a girl that can help us !

Tigs: Who?

Pentol: Yeah who?

Arabella takes out her phone.

Arabella- Don't worry , you'll see. She's from the Animeverse.

Ludel: Oh.

Time Skip....

Greasy, Psycho, and Stupid hugged their wives goodbye*

The wives and kids waved.

Smarty- Yep.

Arabella- We sure are.

Dark Shadow King: So how many days do we got?

Smarty- Sadly six. But, thanks to Areabella's pretend ditsiness , Trigon spilt she's out there somewhere. But it's not the other of the monster islands

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