«short chapter-a/n at end»

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but srsly sorry i've been mia for a while my internet is being replaced and i currently have nothing to do but i am also physically sick as fuck, so here's a very short chapter
im stuck, at home, alone, with nothing to do, nobody with me, im alone and bored. i would stream, but i dont know how id deal with the questions asking me about addison. i could always say she was with family, but that would be no reason for us to stop streaming. i plop down on the couch, lazily picking up the tv remote and turning on something. the cable here sucked, the wifi here sucked, i was basically screwed no matter what. i groan quietly and fall as far back into the couch as i can. i click around on the remote before walking upstairs to my pc. i log onto minecraft and hop onto my minecraft world before checking to see if anyone was online.

despite not being on the dreamsmp, i was in the discord. wilbur, quackity, and ranboo were listed as online right now. i see ranboo in a voice chat, so i dm him seeing if he was fine with me joining.

"hey!" i say quietly into my mic.

"hey!!" he says back, super cheerfully.

"you streaming?" i ask, still quietly. no way i could be too loud.

"yeah, you can get off i know you're on a break and it's totally okay i promise i d-" he rambled quickly before he was interrupted by me.

"dude, it's fine," i reassure him, making sure he's fine before talking to his chat.

"so anyways! addison was going down the hill at like 50 miles per hour when suddenly this little kid just comes out of nowhere and she just takes him- fuck, someone's at my door, be right back" i smile as i take off my headset and set it down.

walking down the stairs i open the door expecting my neighbor or the mailman with a package, but when i see what greets me i shut the door.

i hear the polite knock again and i open it and take what it was in.

"deja! hey!" karl says, hugging me tightly i sit in awe and then let him in.

"h-hey karl," i smile at him. i usher him to sit on the couch and i sit at the island across from him.

"i had to make sure you were okay, so i asked jimmy if we could shoot a video down here, and if i could visit you." he explains happily, a smile and slight blush dusting across his face.

"aw, don't worry i'm okay! i can go be in jimmy's video if you want me to," i stand up and sit down on the couch next to him. he smiles to me.

"that'd be nice," we sit with the blank tv in comfortable silence.

okay short chapter
i didn't want to do like 50 a/n
so maybe like 10 more chapters n this
will be over :( sadly.

i do have other good stuff tho
call me technoblade bc i am only doing
this for the clout

okay on a high note,
i can stream!
on another low note
if i ever become famous (i doubt it)
i am deleting my whole account because ohmygod would this be embarrassing.

on a high note,
hi guys <3 catch me in other peoples comment section ☺️

deja vu; karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now