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a/n before hand
mention of sc*rs (not sh, just scars)
mention of g*n next line
jesus christ alex karev is smart. as soon as the one guy pulled out a g*n, he turned so it only hit his ribs, not his head.


/twenty-four hours\

i spin around in my chair, as i keep re-reading the text. jesus. i review my options. i could either do a face reveal stream, or give austin a few hundred viewers from my own channel. i'm going to just keep this a secret.

shiiiit, my eyes look around my mess of a room. i had just cleaned it yesterday! how the hell did it get like this? then i remember my freak out for finding a shirt. then adri came in and was also looking for a shirt, so all of my clothes were neatly folded. i hated my clothes being neatly folded. so i decided to throw them around out of spite of perfectionism. then miu came in and knocked over a glass filled with water, so i had glass that i needed to clean up, so i had the broom up here. my garbage cans were overflowed, and i had a brand new scar on my arm from when the glass cut me.

i glance around and then sigh. i'd have to clean this super nice. make it aesthetic, as the kidz wuld say. i shut my door, lock it, and then fall on the ground. grabbing my phone, i throw my playlist on again.

i sit down on the ground as i'm in love with an e-girl starts to play

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i sit down on the ground as i'm in love with an e-girl starts to play. i've decided that i'll take a break every four songs, and this was the fourth. i'd never really talked to wilbur, but we've had a mutual conversation with dream, tommy, and george.

(a/n i forgot how to spell george and my fingers fell asleep so i spent like a few minutes spelling different variations „goerge" googre 'googy')

but y'know, his music was pretty good, and it wasn't like i hated him or anything. i hum the chorus as i sit up and start to fuck with the candles adri put in my room. colour order would be the nicest. what was the name?

"roy g biv" i giggle to myself, "red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet." sighing, i trace my fingers around the rim of the candles. my room was almost clean now. there was a few clothes scattered around, which i'll just pick up later. i grab the step stool and climb up to my bed. i grab my phone off the other side and start looking at the notifs i've gotten.

maybe y'all should tune into
the love or host this week?

will she do a face reveal?

i never said i was on it
just austin deserved it

cool user
deja teasing us that she'll never do a face reveal

karl :)
i haven't even see her face :(


i smiled down on my phone. hopefully people believed her lie. i mean, i could be 'manipulative' as my ex would say. god. why am i even thinking about him. he caused me to lose like half my following. which at the time was like 1,000 people of 2,000 people. everyone loved him. he was so 'chill' and 'could never hurt a fly'. he never hit me but. whatever. i shake my head to clear my mind.

i check the time, 12am. shit. i should probably catch those z's. i have the love or host tomorrow and adri and i need to go grocery shopping. i roll over on my bed and snuggle with my frog pillow, vladmir. i can hear miu go through the cat door. shit.

before i can worry more, i finally drift off into sleep, my eyelids getting heavy before finally shutting all the way.

when i wake up the nagging sound of my alarm goes off. 10am! wow! i actually woke up before 1! i didn't shut off my alarm! so proud! i giggle about me waking up before i smell my morning breath. i walk into the bathroom and grab my pink toothbrush. i scrub until my gums almost start to bleed. i then breath out my rats nest of hair and walk downstairs before turning right around forgetting i had to change.

i walk into my closet and wonder if i should dress aesthetically, or just how most illinois-in's dressed. i decide to fit in, because i was bullied, and wear some sweats and an old school tee.

i go back downstairs for the third time today, and start to shake adri awake. when she doesn't budge, i just groan and grab a mask off of the counter. i step into the warm-ish air of mid october. the pumpkins we set out at the beginning, even though nobody comes to trick or treat at our house, had started to droop. the eyes we carved so carefully falling shut. i look over to my volkswagen beetle. i got it to remember my friends from both north carolina and iowa, where i had previously lived. we loved to play slugbug (punchbug) on road trips, and i've always wanted one. i hop in, having to lean down a little.

i've always been a taller person, standing above most of my class until around freshman year when everyone started to shoot up. i stayed a solid 5"6 for the rest of my life. on a good day i could pass as 5"7.

i turn the key in my car and head the thumping sound of the radio.

"this is 103.3 and we're your pop in the morning," the lady on the radio says, way to cheery for 10 in the morning. i turn down the radio and switch to my mother mother cd. i bop my head to the beat and the pull out of my driveway.

==================================== filler chapter
um yeah :)
1003 words, so it's a little long,,
sorry about that

==================================== filler chapter um yeah :)1003 words, so it's a little long,, sorry about that

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229 VIEWS!!! omg
<3 love ya'll

also if ur reading this from my school,
you don't know me :)

deja vu; karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now