love to hate me

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I'm obsessed with this ^ picture

And happy late Chris-tmas 🎄

Jisungs POV

I walked downstairs to see what was happening there

And they were










" what's wrong ji" seungmin asked

"You guys were eating cheesecake without me!!"

"AND I AM THE DRAMATIC ONE!?" hyunjin said

"Here" chan placed a plate on my hands

"Get yourself one"

"Are we going to play "truth or dare" or never I have ever " jeongin said

"Soo cliche" I mumbled

"Sure but with alcohol" Felix said

[ a child]


"Why not"

"Cause I dont want to take care of you guys"

"Hyunggie pwease~" jeongin looked at him with puppy eyes

"O-Ok fine" chan said

We sat down to play truth or dare

"So we all know the rules if you dont answer you drink blah blah blah let's get it"

Changbin slowly spins the bottle

"Soo seungmin truth or dare"

"Its the first round so I will go with truth"

"What do you think about wonpil"

Seungmin eyes widened and he drank

"Who is wonpil"felix says while wiggling his eyebrows

Seungmin was a blushing mess
He grabs the bottle and he spines it

It landed on hyunjin and chan

"Soo chan hyung truth or dare"

"Dare obviously"

"Kiss jeonginnie"

Jeongin blushes

And chan kiss jeongin

"I feel single here" I mumbled

"I'm here" I felt an arm grabbing me closer

How jeongin spins it and it landed on minho hyung

"Hyung truth or dare"

"Dare I'm not a pussy"


"I'm sorry jisungieee" jeongin smirked

"Soo hyung kiss jisungiee"

"Jisung" he looked at me

"You sure you know I could drink"

"Just do it" I said

He got closer to me and pecked my lips slowly

Not going to lie his lips were soft and addicting

"Did you liked it princess" he whispered

"S-Shut up"

Ok now minho spin the bottle

"Felix truth or dare"


"Soo you know when i saw you writing something what were you writing?"

"I-I was writing......... a fanfic" he said in english

Chan chocked on his spit


"Sorry mate"

"What was it about?"


We laughed


"Soo jisung truth or dare"


"Have you ever had sex or did you ever gave or got bj [blow job]??" Hyunjin asked

I grabed the bottle and drank all of it

Minhos POV

After Jisung drank all the drink we had

We decided to end the night here

When I enterd the room I never thought to see him like this

"Minho hyung~"

"Fuck me please" he whined


I sat on our shared bed

He layed on top of me

"Why do you hate me jisung?"

"Cuz your pretty, kind, handsome, beautiful, hot, perfect and I dont want to fall for you"

He came closer and hugged me and I hugged him back

And we fall asleep

I F**king Hate You || minsung ffWhere stories live. Discover now