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We dont deserve this man^


Jisungs POV

We got home after a looooooongggg day of school and I wasn't doing good mentally

I was hurt you know. Thanks to Minmin he made it a lot better.

And he gave me his hoodie AAAAAAA

its smells soo good

In every class I smelled his cologne. Not gonna lie it was hawt and people realized it was minhos hoodie

I'm not in a good mood right now so I decided to lay in bed and watch anime while others were chilling ig I didnt know what they were doing

"Sungieeee" a light a sunshine came to my room he was running to me arms open I guess he was going to hug me

"Lixieeee" I opened my arms for a hug

He jumped in my arms and hugged me we switched a few positions to find a comfortable one

"what's wrong sungiee??" he talked in his high baby voice

"Just stress"i cuddled him closer

"Sungiee who's hoodie is this??"

"Minho hyungs"

He hugged me tighter

"Should we watch more banana fish?"

"Yea sure but I dont want to cry"

"Thennnnn why not danganronpa v1"

"Yea sureee"

After finishing danganronpa v1

"That was good"

"Ikr even tho my waifu died it was good"

[ a/n I dont want to give spoilers ehe in  v1 my waifudied but my husbando lived OmO]

"I- jiji I go sit with chan hyung is it ok for you?"

"Yea yea" I smiled


Hmph where is minho hyung

I haven't saw him after school

I missed him

His kisses

And hugs

While I was missing minho my phone ranged


Minmin hyungie ♡ is calling....

Except                                         Decline



"Hello  lovee" he said on the other line

"Hi hyung where are you I missed you" I said while pouting

"Awww love I want you to do something"


"Get ready like a nice outfit but not fancy casual ok? Then wait for me"

"......ummm ok? Is that all"

"Yup now get ready I will come in 30 minutes"

I F**king Hate You || minsung ffWhere stories live. Discover now