killing me softly

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"MR KIM DONT--" as I was screaming he closed my mouth

He pushed me into an empty classroom

He got on top of me


Minhos POV

After I talked to jisung in class I was a blushing mess

I was about go to the cafeteria to meet the others I heard a voice


"I'm not gonna stop kitten"


Where is that voice coming from?

I walked to the direction where I was heard the voice


Is that jisung?

I rushed at the classroom that voice was coming from

I opened the door and.....

"Minho hyung" he looked at me

"What do you want kid" asked mr kim

"WHAT ARE DOING TO HIM" I yelled I could hold my anger

"minho hyung" said softly jisung and started to cry

"Mr KIM " we heard our principal voice

"oh shit" he ran away

I realized I recorded all the stuff that happened

I posted the video online and hope that Mr Kim gets fired

I ran towards jisung. He was crying.

He looked up to me

He hugged me and sobbed in my shoulder

I ofcourse hugged back

"calm down" I said while rubbing circles on his back

"I'm here ok?"

"That doesn't change the fact I still hate you" He hiccups

" little mad squirrel" I said

He giggled

And hit my shoulder playfully

"Felix said we're having a sleepover"

"If you're gonna be there I'm moving out"

"You're coming right" he asked me
"No" I smirked

Then he hugged me again

"Thank you"

"Oh is my little squirrel having a character development"jisung blushed

After that me and ji walk to Felix's dorm

"Hey gUYS" felix said but shouted the last part for some reason

"Um hi" we said

"Come in we were about to play truth or dare " hyunjin said

"With alcohol" jeongin said

"Jeongin your underage" chan shouted


Chan facepalmed

We sat down the table and I sat middle  jisung and chan

Felix grabbed and spun the bottle


Um hello how are you ~♡

And thank you for 6 reads

Take care and see you in the next chapter

I F**king Hate You || minsung ffWhere stories live. Discover now